chapter 8

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The Christmas with the Weasley was the best.

During a meeting with Dumbledore's army I was demonstrating with Harry "ready y/n" "yes Harry" he nodded "stup-" "Stupify!" I beat him to it  and Fred got the coins he bet on me with his twin and he kissed you as you walked over to him "good job love" "oh that reminds me we need your help with a prank since Jordan abandoned us, it's on Umbridge. will you help?" Geroge asked you "of course ill help, the bitch needs to leave and I mean soon" "great we'll talk about it later in the common room- Shit!"  you looked at Fred "you are in another house," Fred said looking at you. "my dad is Snape, he won't care" he nodded then you all got into a line except you and harry. you lead the girls with the help of Hermione and harry led the boys along with Ron. Fred couldn't keep his eyes off you during the session you caught his eyes sometimes and he'd look away quickly as if nothing happened.

you had Hermione lead the girls and you walked over to Fred "hello freddie~" he went to look at you but saw you in front of him " bloody hell y/n!" he said as you giggled "here" you take his hand, bent is elbow and swish and flick " now do the spell you want" "Exepecto Patronum" he said holding your hand. His eyes lit up, you pulled your hand away everyone watches as his Patronus flies around you and the blue going with your grey eyes.

Fred pov:
I watched and the blue light flew around Y/n, my Y/n. "I think I fell more in love with her," I thought and George could tell "see something you like Freddie" I snap out of it "h..huh!?" "You're really in love with her aren't you Fred," he asked me " yeah I am" 

the session ended, she stayed back and so did it everyone had left so it was just me and her. " hey love, You ok?" I asked her and wrapped my arms around her as she leaned into me " if or when we go to war, what would happen if one of us died?" she asked me and I was speechless "I don't know love..." she turned around in my arms and looked at me and I saw tears start to form "hey love, no matter what happened we will be ok don't worry!" she smiled "promise Freddie" "I promise princess~" I lifted her head and kissed her gently and lead her to the common room and I talked to George about the prank on Umbridge. 

I felt a weight on my shoulder as George pointed to her and I smiled picked her up, bringing her to her room. "good night princess, I love you so much. I hope you know that" she turned and looked at me "I love you too Freddie! g..good night" she said as her eyes shut for the rest of the night. 

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