chapter 12

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Before school started you were at the twin's new shop called "Weasley Wizard Wheezes".

You entered the shop and saw Hermione and ginny at the potion stand. You run over to them and hug them "this is amazing" Ginny said "I know, I'm so proud of them" you said "especially Freddie~" Ginny teased "yeah yeah" you said back to her.

"Hello, ladies," they say in unison you three look at them " yeah they really do work, but it seems like your doing fine on your own y/n and Gin" "what's that supposed to mean?" Ginny said "aren't you currently dating Dean Thomas" you look at her and walk off "Y/n wait!" Fred realizes Dean was your Ex from the previous year. "I'll talk to her Gin" "more like snog," George said Fred rolled his eyes and made his way over to you.

You were talking to harry and playing with your ring "you excited to marry him Y/n" Harry asked when he saw Fred walking over "of course, I was friends with Ginny when I was 6 and she was 4 when I first met Fred, oh boy I thought he was quite handsome but being 17 and marrying him in the spring, seems so-" you were cut off "unreal" you looked to your left and saw Fred walking over. "Hey guys," he said, "hi Freddie" followed by "hey Fred" coming from Harry "y/n was telling me how she had loved you since she was 11" he teased making you punch him in the arm and Fred having a smirk on his face "thank me later y/n," Harry said before Fred pulled you away.

Fred's Pov:

I pulled her up the stairs and to where there was bedding. I walk back down leaving her alone " yo Georgie" I nudged my head upstairs and George smirked "have fun Freddie" "oh I will" I said back to him before walking back to her.

I entered the room and saw her laying on the bed with her eyes shut and I take advantage of that. I take my jacket off and walk over to her, grab her legs and pull her closer, wrapping her legs around my waist and bending over and kissing her neck. "Ah! F..Freddie~" she let out making me pull away and I start taking off my tie and unbuttoning my dress shirt. "You git you scared me!" She said before unwrapping her legs from my waist and she places a kiss on my lips before leaving. "Heh, least she's got a surprise on her neck," I thought before flopping on the bed and slowly pulled myself up.

Reader pov:

I left and covered my neck as I hugged George and left with the girls "tell Freddie I said by- Ow Ginny!"

During the middle of the year it was around Christmas and we were all at the burrow, we all heard a loud crack and I go outside to look and I see a fire surrounding the house I see Harry run after your mother "HARRY JAMES POTTER! SHES NOT WORTH IT!" you run after him. Remus and tonks go running after you and Fred's parents holding him in the house.

You and harry see Frenrick greyback, the werewolf who hurt Remus when he was a kid. There were spells fired but Harry protected you with the help of Remus Lupin and Tonks.

You all get back and you put your hands out to the fire and everyone looks shocked when you don't feel pain, you can control the fire and extinguish it. "Y/n!" You felt a pair of arms around you "Freddie?!" You hugged him back as he threw you over his shoulder and walked into the house. "See you guys when I can walk!" You said and the girls laughed as you rolled your eyes hitting Fred in the back. "Put me down you git!" "Don't fight Y/n" ginny said and you laughed sarcastically.

A/N: So the next chapter will involve smut, kinks, and some 18+. If your a Fred Weasley simp like me you'll like the next chapter

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