Chapter 3 - Nat's POV

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Nat had been walking around the house for a while, walking into the living room, kitchen and a few bedrooms. She found herself in a basement after opening a peeling door and walking down a few stairs. While walking down into the darkness, she grew more weary about the house and the family. As she walked down the last few stairs, it grew pitch black. The only light source was from upstairs but it wasn't enough to help Nat see where she was going.

Nat pulled her phone out and turned on her torch, looking for another light source other than the dim light from her phone. A large light hung from the ceiling above her and she looked around for a light switch. Nat found the switch and flicked it on, turning her torch off. 

A soft glow came from the light and lit up most of the room. Scattered across the wooden, creaky floor was bones and splotches of blood. There was also a few cabinets and closets against the walls with blood stained onto the wood. 

"What's with the blood..?" Nat thought to herself. She followed the large piles of bones and large spots of blood into another room in the basement. Nat opened the door to the other room slowly and stood there in shock. Light from the main room shone into the doorway. What the light revealed made Nat want to puke.

Sitting against the walls, on the floor, chained up to the walls and hanging there were dead bodies. They had been completely ripped apart and severely injured. Nat stepped back in shock and fell to her knees, eventually throwing up.

After a few minutes, Nat stood up weakly, wiping her mouth with her hoodie sleeve. A loud sound echoed through the walls and scared Nat, making her fall to the ground. After seeing the rotting corpses and hearing the loud ringing of a bell, Nat was completely terrified. Her hair had fallen into her green eyes.

She slowly stood up and pulled out her phone, trying to call someone, anyone at this point. The line just kept ringing and Nat realised there was no signal. She gripped to her phone and trembled in her shoes. She heard footsteps above her.

"This can't be happening. This can't be happening," Nat chanted to herself. She looked around and saw a sharp piece of metal. She stumbled over and picked it up, gripping to it tightly. "These people are murderers... They've killed people... They..."

Nat started to tear up. To think that she actually trusted Grace. To think that Grace was the only person who could relate to Nat. To think that Grace was the only person who Nat could open up to. It was all a lie. It was a lie from the beginning. It was always fake. Their friendship, their trust.

Nat wiped her tears from her cheeks, walked over to the stairs and stood behind them. The next person that walked down into the basement, Nat would stab them with the metal. She didn't care at this point, even if it was Grace. She knew Elise, Ray or Brooke wouldn't dare enter a basement that was completely pitch black.

She looked at her phone to see if the signal had come back since she was closed to the first floor. The signal was dead. Nat looked up at the door that lead to the first floor. Nothing was blocking the light. She pulled her hood back onto her head so her light brown hair wouldn't stand out in the darkness under the stairs.

At this point, all that was racing through Nat's head was to get out of the basement and get out of the house. If she could run to the police station quick enough, maybe her friends could still be alive and playing this sick game.

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