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Her heart rate is dropping!

IM-63, initialize the AED! Daniz! Increase her oxygen level by thirty percent. Analyze her brain activity!




Her heart rate is back to normal, blood pressure slowly increasing.

Good job everyone. Come on let's go.

As I lay on the medical bed, I could faintly hear the doctors as they tried to save me but something was different. I felt as though I wasn't there with them, like I was in another realm, a soft ringing plagued my head as it slowly drown out the surrounding sound. Unable to pull away, I drift away to peaceful silence and a dark abyss.


The doctors finally came out with a noticeable tired look on them. Poe immediately stood up from his seated state, anxious to ask about them about her situation. You could tell there was that same urgency in his voice that hadn't left since they started. The doctors let out a soft yet heavy sigh before telling.

"She is currently stable but she has suffered some fatal injuries. A concussion which caused her to suffer a comatose plus a few broken ribs. She may be in bed for the next 3 to 4 months. We tried all that was possible, Generals. We're sorry. We know it wasn't the results you wanted to hear."

"You did the best you could. Thank you doctors."

"Don't worry about it. There are probably others who require your medical attention."

I said to them before dismissing them. Poe and I head into the room after which everyone followed. Silence filled the room as we all looked at the state Rey was in. The one who was always the light whenever the group was feeling down was now laying almost lifeless on the bed. Neither one of us could control our emotions as Poe was noticeably trying not break down, gritting his teeth and fighting back the tears. I went over to him and tried my best to help me

"She'll come back to us. She's strong. It just takes time."

I said as I gently patted his back but I could tell he wasn't really listening to me. He was still overwhelmed by the sadness and anger at himself, blaming himself.

"What if she doesn't, Finn?"

He replied with red eyes and a voice on the verge of breaking.

"Look at me, I've been in her situation and I even came back from it. Right now she needs us to be strong, to guide the Resistance."

"I can't, Finn. . . I can't be the leader Leia once was."

"You will, you just need time."

The rest had left us to help with whatever they can around the base. Poe and I sat there, still looking at her. We didn't know what else to do but we couldn't seem to leave the room. Poe seemed to have regain his composure which was good.

It was there that I sensed something calling to me, out of the blue. A jolt in the Force as Rey would say. I tried to pinpoint where it came from as I looked around the room. I stood up and began walking towards the side table and picked up Rey's satchel the same one she'd always carry with her. I reached in to find out that Luke's lightsaber, seemingly calling to me. Poe, noticing what I was doing stood up and walked over to me.

"That's what you were going to tell her on Pasaana, weren't you? You're Force-Sensitive."

"Ho-how did you know?"

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