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I took a deep breath, as I stood outside of the main headquarters to meet with General Calrissian. Gathering my courage as the door slid open to reveal the respectful figure standing at the centre of the room.

"General Calrissian." I addressed him with a nod. He chuckled as he waved his hand dismissively.

"We've been through a lot kid, I think you can call me Lando. So what can I help you with?" He asked curiously.

"Rey, Finn and I thought that we should go and pay our last respects to both Leia and Luke.

We've been so caught up since the war that we never got the time to say our proper goodbyes to them. Thought I should let you know that if you need us, just radio in, we'll be back in a flash."

He looked at me with a small smile across his face. Despite only meeting him for a few month, he was one of the few who Leia considered family. She used to tell me how he was with them from the beginning. He took off a necklace that was dangling from his neck and passed it to me. I was confused to say the least as I held it up to take a closer look at it. It had the old Rebel Alliance logo as a pendant.

"If you do bury something. . . Add that. For me." He said as he smiled, staring at the necklace that was in my hand. I gave him an assuring nod as I thanked him before heading off to the cave. I met up with the two who were talking amongst themselves, waiting for me.

"Hey man!"

"Hey. Just talked to Lando about us going away for a few days so he'd radio in if he needs us."

"Figured out which ship we're taking?" I asked.

"Well after what happened a few months ago, I was thinking the three of us should fly an X-Wing each. It'll provide us with the protection we need, should something bad happen."

"Good idea." I said as I made my way to my ship. I haven't flown her in a while because of how busy we've been for the past few months. BB8 rolled along beside me as he got ready to be placed in his hub.

"So where're we headed?" I asked as I took my seat in the cockpit; putting on my helmet.

"Tatooine." Rey answered, followed by Finn.

"Tatooine it is." I said with a smile as the engine of our jets roared to life.

Black One, Red Five, Red Three. You are cleared for takeoff. I repeat you are cleared for takeoff.

And with that the three of us pushed down on the power and blasted in space. It feels good to be back in my ship after awhile. The rush of adrenaline as you were pushed back into your seat by the thrust of the engine was a feeling I've loved ever since I could fly one of these. After I was done reminiscing my time with my ship, I charted a course for us to Tatooine.

"Setting a course for Tatooine. You guys ready?"

They nodded in agreement as we all set up the X-Wings to jump into hyperspace.


"HAHHAH! That never gets old!" I shouted as we exited hyperspace. Rey and Finn shook their head at how giddy I was. Even BB8 beeped, backing them.

"I haven't flown in a while alright. . . Look alive people, Tatooine is just up ahead." I said as my X-Wing glide closer towards the brown dusty planet.

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