11 - Let's Talk

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"Ow. Get off of me!" I pushed him of and got up.

"Joey, is that you?" I took some dirt off of my pants and looked at him.

"Yeah, who do you think I am, Jesus?"

"No, it's just you look different"

"Well yeah, I have blue hair, thick eyeliner, and dark colored clothes." I was going to walk away but he hugged me really tight that I could barely breath.

"Bil-lie I can't breath"

"Sorry, it's just that I was really worried about you. Where have you been"

"I would answer your question but I have to do something first"

He was going to say something but I didn't let him finished, I had already walked away from him and walked towards Jimmy and the rest.

"Who's that?" No surprise it was Jimmy who was asking the question.

"A friend of mine, anyways you guys can go back home. I'll met you guys there. I have to finish some business"I point towards Billie who was standing by himself, he looked so awkward like that.

They all left and I went back to Billie. Who was alone on the street by himself. Well, he wasn't alone anymore because I was with him now.

"So can we talk, back at my house?"

"I don't feel comfortable going there Billie, what if Hayley sees me?"

"Come on, do it for Mike. He won't stop worrying about you, he thinks you've been kidnapped. Who's Hayley anyways."

"I guess I should let him know I'm okay, and Hayley is the person I used to call mother" I scratch behind my neck. I did want to see Mike, but I just didn't want to go to billie's house. I felt really uncomfortable going there, but I'm going to see Mike. I nodded my head so we can start to walk towards his home.

It wasn't long walk, we both entered and I saw Mike was on couch sitting down, with his hands in his face. He must've herd us because his head shot up and saw me. His faced was with relief but also confused.

"J-Joey, is that you?" He said it slowly, then he rushed over. He hugged me tight, but it felt good. I wanted to hug back, but I just stood there. Part of me cared about him but another part just didn't care no more. He noticed that I wasn't hugging him back and he seemed hurt by that.

"Is everything ok, you're acting differently than usual"

"Well, I guess I changed" I shrugged my shoulders, and looked at the ground.

"N-nothing bad happened right?"

"What do you mean?" I was giving him a glare, I knew what he meant by that but I want to know for sure.

"Well, did anyone touch you in anyway you didn't want to?"

Ok, that just pissed me off. Why does he think of that, I know he cares about me, but that should be my business and If I want to tell him I could, but I don't. Does he think I can't take care for myself, that I need someone to take care of me. He saw that I was getting tensed up when he said that.

"Oh my god! Someone did do that to you!"

Billie and Mike just stared eye wide at me.

"No! Of course! I know how to take care of myself"

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure. Um Billie wants to talk to you about something. You should talk, it's an important issue."

I just wanted to go home, with the group, get high or something so I can forget everything that just happened, but I stayed. Billie wanted to talk to me in his room, I wondered what he wanted to talk about. What was so important he needed to talk about.

"So, um Joey. So on Friday, when you overheard is... I didn't mean what I said, I was just nervous. I not ready for that kind of stuff. I-I sorry, i didn't mean anything I said"

He was really nervous, I just stared at him with a blank face. I got over it, I changed since then. I'm Joey now, not Joanna, so I don't care anymore.

"Billie, I don't care what you said on Friday, even if you meant it or if you didn't. I got to live my life, you got live on with your life."

I wasn't sure if he surprised when I said that or that he was relieved, probably both.

"Have, you found out if you're um,... pregnant."

I wasn't sure how was going to tell that I can't have children. It a situation I don't like to be in.

"Um, Billie rember went I left you standing and said I can't get pregnant... I really meant. I can't have children, I was born with this problem."

I just look down because I couldn't take this feeling, it felt like being embarrassed but worse. I don't ever talk about this with anyone.

"How long have you known this, does anyone else know about this"

"I found I had this problem about two years ago, I was getting worried why I haven't been going on my 'thing' and I went to see a doctor with a friend, and that's when I found out"

"Oh, well, I guess you're not pregnant, ..."

There was an awkward silence between us, good thing Billie broke it.

"So are you going to school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I still need to get an education so I can get a job, even if it a hell on earth"

We both chuckled to that, I hated school, but I wanted a job so I can get a better life, and also so I can have a chance to adopt a child, I know I won't have any of my own. I want to have bright future, even if I have to go school to get it.

"Well I should get going, I have to go back home"

"You live a like a street away, can't you stay a bit longer"

"Billie, I don't live with Hayley anymore, that's why I was running away from you when you saw at my house. I live with friends of mine"

"Yeah, like those stoners"

What did he just say, I know they are, but the way he said was just plain rude.

"As if you weren't one"

He got offended by that, you could tell by his face expression. It amused me when he got mad, I knew his soft parts. I like to know people's weakness and use it against them, but I don't do that. I used to, when I got tired of being bullied and became the bully but stopped after a while.

"Well, I'm leaving" I said in a happy tone, which annoyed him more.

Then I noticed a guitar, but it wasn't any guitar, it was my guitar. What was that doing in here

I went to pick it, I turn it around and see tiny letters carved into it.

It was mine, it had my initials.

"Where did you get this?"

"I found it near a garbage can, I kept because it's still looks someone can use. Whoever threw this away didn't see it was still in a good condition"

That's it, I'm going to talk to Hayley about it, she just can't go to my room and take things out of it. I stormed out of Billie's and went to mine. I was going to have talk with Hayley tonight.

A/N - sorry for a cruddy chapter. I've been having a bad day and my arms was squished by a door and its been hurting all day. Also I had written all of the chapter just that I forgot to save it, my device ran out of battery, so lucky me. I had to rewrite it! Yay me! What great day I had, anywho don't forget to comment and vote please.

Here's a fun fact:

The fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.


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