26 - Kitchen Sink

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Trigger warning. Also the character isn't no one in real life, it's just a name. Except Joey, Joey would represent me in an alternative universe. Also I do not own the song.

"God dammit John! We losing all the ur money! What are we suppose to do!? We can afford to move!" My mom screed.
"Stop yelling at me!"I heard my dad yell then sigh," I have something to tell you. I--"
"What is it? Please don't tell me you slept with some else!?"
"N-No! I-"
"Just say it."
"I'm dying!"
It was silent after that.
"The doctors say I don't have much time left."
What is that suppose to mean?
"And one last thing..."

Am I dead yet? Nope. I heard a voice around me, but I couldn't make out who or what they were saying. I heard some merging about pills and it should help me. You I tried to move, but my as wouldn't budge. I fluttered my eyes slowly, being blinded by the bright lights.

"Ahh, I see you have awoken. I was just discussing about you."
I was able to move but I felt my voice was gone. I look around and see mike and Hayley. I tried talking but grunts just came out.
"Don't strain your voice. You had quite panic attack. I had prescribed you some pills that should help you. You should be able to leave within an hour. Take it easy for now" after the dodger said that he left, as well as Hayley and Mikey.
I sat in silence, sometimes quiet is violent. I wonder what Gerard thinks of me now. He must be scred of me now. I wonder if I changed her s mind and the problem got fixed. The problem I caused to happen becuase of my actions.

A nurse walked in with a pile of clothes and left them in he edge of my bed.
"You can get dressed but wait for the doctor. He has some uh... news he has to tell you." She had an expression of sympathy on her face.
"Is there something wrong?"
"He- he should tell you, it's quite important." Then she left.

What's that suppose to mean? I'm not sick or anything, well I don't feel sick. Can it be something bad? I quickly changed and as soon I finished dressing there was a knock at the door. Then the doffed walked in.

"Your dressed good. So, I saw you had scar... and well, I recommend seeing a therapist. Also I have some news, it might be allarminv to you but..."


"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own today?"
"Yes Mike I'll be okay for now. Go now before your late. Sorry I can't go to your gig for tonight. I'm just really tired, yet u go have fun." I waved him off.
"Thanks Joey" he hugged and left.

The drugs they gave me made me feel tired. I went into my room and saw her.
She was sitting on the edge of my bed and a blade in her hands. It wasn't mine, I could tell.
"You really shouldn't hurt yourself like this you know. It's been a while since I last saw your you, what was? A year now? We have sooo much to catch up on-"
"What are you doing here Taylor? How'd you even get in!?" I asked angrily.
She brought one hand up to her chest, as if she had been offended," I'm here to visits baby. I never did say goodbye to you properly. I thought you would be happy to see me."
Her hand brushed againsty cheek but jerked away and walk back slowly. She kept on following me until I was against the wall. She closer until our faces were inches apart. Shit, what do I am supposed to do now? She leaned in and started to kiss me, I'm not complaining, she a great kisser. Her lips slowly started to move as well as mine. It felt so good but so wrong. I suddenly stopped the kiss and she look at me confused.
"Why'd you stop? Don't you like it?" She started to suck on my neck, most likely leaving hickeys.
"I-I do but I-I can't I promised myself to fin. I c-can't do th-" I let out soft moan under breath. I need to controls myself, she always got her way. I regained my thought and pushed her away.
"P-pleas just go. I want to be alone, a-and please don't look for me."
"Fine if that what you want. But I'm coming back, I'm not finished my visit yet." And she let my room.

Once I was sure she was gone, I broke down in sobs. She coming back and there was nothing I could do it. She was one of the reason I would cut, I was in an abusive relationship with her. She didn't know she'd hurt me and say she'll never do it again, but she do still beat me. 

But the news I got at hospital worried me more. I needed someone tell things were going to be alright, hug me and alle fears would go away. I couldn't call Mike, he was busy at the moment. Frank! I quickly called Frank and it took a few rings until he picked up.

"Hello? Joey?" As soon as he picked up I regretted it And sobbed louder.
"Joey? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
"I-I Frank... I-" I couldn't finish my sentence before crying out loud.
"I'm coming over okay."
"Is everything alright" I heard a voice and recognized as Gerard.
"I'm not sure. I'll be there in a few Joey hang on." He hung up and now I just sit in silence.  Sometimes quiet is violent

I needed my blades, now.
I went over to the drawers, but they weren't there. Fuck, Taylor must've took them. She was gone now. Shit. I need some kind of pain. I went into the bathroom and look around. I stopped when I saw my reflection, and slowly lifting my short up, enough to show my stomach. I wasn't exactly fit, I was a bit chubby. I stared and my stomach then the toilet. Kneeled down in front and made myself throw up. It made my throat sting, but I got what I wanted.

I washedy face and teeth quickly, reapplying my make up. I madey best to make myself look normal. When I went into the living the door slammed opens and I jumped a bit in fright.

Do you people actually read this?  I've been feeling a bit shitty lately. But don't worry about me. Anyways vote comment and stuff.  Sorry for a cruddy chapter. Also I plan on ending this book soon. Not sure about if I'm going to write a sequel.

P.s. I'm not bulimic or anything. It just part of the story.

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