#1: Graduation

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"Those are the cadets at the top of your class! Take a good look, and take example on them!"

There she was, in all of her glory. [Y/N] [L/N] was standing on the #1 spot of the 104th training corps. Beside her was Mikasa Ackerman, standing proudly on #2, her face stoic as ever. To be perfectly honest, it felt like she was the one who deserved #1, but the wasian girl didn't seem to mind at all; her main concern was the same as always. Eren.

Standing there, [Y/N] felt the eyes of several higher-ups on her. It wasn't really surprising; she was incredibly strong for a mere cadet fresh out of training. Plus, it wasn't every day Shadis genuinely befriended a cadet. Odd but true, the young woman had successfully found herself a tiny place in the old man's cold heart. Under her influence, he started encouraging the cadets a little more and punishing them a little less, though he was far from what some would call "soft". She was simply that charismatic.

Her performances were astonishing. In the near fall of Trost, she had managed to slay more titans than any average cadet should ever be able to. Some oddly enthusiast comrades she didn't know that well had compared her to the corporal Levi himself, but she dared not think about that; not only did it seem a little too optimistic, it was also incredibly disrespectful to the man.

The stares on her could also be justified by her appearance. Similar to Mikasa, her features looked different than the average person's. Her skin, her nose, her lips, her eyes, and her hair didn't look the part, and so a lot of rumors began to spread around her. Some said she was a descendant of an ethnicity that had died out when the titans first attacked, others even though she was from outside the walls altogether. Nonetheless, everyone found in her a certain beauty that was refreshing, one that existed outside of the norm. Simply put, [Y/N] was breathtaking.

Standing somewhere between 5'10 and 6'0, she was the tallest woman around. That, combined with her obvious charisma and her eyes that could deliver the deathliest stares, earned her respect everywhere she went. Word quickly spread on the campus: no one was to mess with [Y/N]. Still, it's not like anyone would want to, because she was the sweetest once you got to know her properly. She had vowed to herself to protect her comrades at the best of her capacities no matter what, and that was her first priority in life.

Marco's death still lingered in her mind.

As the 104th's top 10 joined the crowd, Commander Erwin Smith got on the stage to do his recruiting speech.
As he spoke, the air itself seemed to grow colder and thicker to breathe in, as if the horror and anticipation in everyone's eyes were enough to change the very temperature. Everything was deathly silent, at the sole exception of the blond man's solid voice.

"Those who wish to join another regiment shall take their leave."

Someone saying "Commander, are you sure you didn't go too far?" could be heard faintly.

Like crushing weight had just lifted from their shoulders, most of the graduates stepped away looking somewhat relieved, as if for just a moment there, they had though their fates had been sealed with the scouts.

In a sea of uncertain looks and nervous movements, one pair of deep, cold and determined eyes caught Erwin's attention. Standing there as still as a rock, 104th's strongest was staring directly into his eyes, as if to reassure him that she wouldn't budge from her spot.
Erwin was somewhat taken aback.
He had kind of assumed miss #1 would choose to join the MP's, but yet here she stood, looking strong and confident as ever.
Judging by the way her fellow cadets were acting around her, she was widely respected and acknowledged, even if she had the same rank as them.
He hadn't even talked to her yet and she was already proving to be an interesting person. Oh, well. He supposed it did take someone like that to move even the old Shadis.

The young woman broke eye contact to turn to her comrade, who visibly looked uneasy.
"Jean." She said in a soothing voice. "Look at me."
He turned to meet her eyes.
"In and out, Jean. Breathe. We're all in this together, remember? We talked about this. You found out this is what you wanted, for all of us..."
She put her hand on his shoulder.
"...And for Marco."
The teen swallowed.
"Right." He stated.
"We all chose this as a family. Isn't that right?" She stated at the intention of the other remaining cadets.
"RIGHT!" They immediately shouted back in unison.
[Y/N] and Jean shared a look filled with care.
She was going to protect them.

He had to admit it, Levi was mildly impressed. It's not every day you'd get to see a rookie show actual leading skills. Brute strength was one thing, but effective lead and teamwork was another. That right there was probably the reason that girl had surpassed #2.
From the corner of his eye, he could see Erwin showing some sort of surprise on his features as he saw just how much [L/N] was able to rally them together. Levi himself was sort of taken aback, though he would never let it be seen so bluntly. That Jaeger boy had already mentioned [L/N] to him as if she was some sort of goddess, but considering his idiocy, he was actually surprised to see someone that seemed to have decent potential.
Sighing, Levi joined his fellow higher-ups on the carriage that would bring them back to the HQ.
That brat may seem great, but she had better not get too cocky.


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