#27: Grounding

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Levi heard the door of the dining hall closing behind him, taming the chatter of his subordinates. Quickly, he walked away, taking his internal conflict back to the quietness of his room. He had 15 to 20 minutes before the meeting, and he intended to use them to cool his rising temper.

Entering his office to go sit in his chair, he felt like a child throwing a tantrum. He really shouldn't be riled up because of what he'd heard, but he couldn't help the flame that was burning away in his torso.

This feeling, this annoying feeling he'd been stuck with for a few weeks had only expended when he'd heard what that stupid teenager had said. Something about Erwin and [Y/N] being in love.

The thought made him feel so helpless.

On one side, his instincts told him to always obey and support Erwin no matter what, as he was the only man he'd ever sworn his loyalty to. Yet somehow, the thought of not being able to be with [Y/N] filled him with a new kind of despair to the rim, a foreign emotion he'd never encountered before. 

Sitting at his desk, he felt small and insignificant, for the first time since childhood. To his horror, he was starting to comprehend what his deal was with the young woman.

He was falling for her.

That couldn't be a good thing.

How stupid could his heart be? Wanting romance for the first time with someone right in the middle of a battle to save humanity? When he could lose his loved one at any point? Clearly he was losing his mind. Yet, no matter how hard he tried to chase her away from his daydreams, she always found a way to come back. Then at the same time, how could he ever resist the thought of being held by her?

... But what if she really was in love with their commander? He who was taller, less awkward, more charismatic?

"Tch," Levi muttered to himself, massaging his temples. "I've lost my edge... Having a schoolboy crush as a grown man. Snap out of it, damnit."

Reluctantly, he went to his mirror to straighten up his cravat and make sure his uniform hadn't gotten dirty during the day.

His feelings could wait, he decided. He had a meeting to attend.


"Ah, Corporal Levi, Special operation squad member Oluo, cadets. I'm glad you're all here. We have a lot of things to discuss this evening."

As everyone gathered around the table to take their seat, Levi made sure to place himself right besides [Y/N], blocking her from being on Erwin's right side. The young woman didn't seem to notice his deliberate behavior; instead she flashed him a little smile.

Feeling heat rise up to his face, he looked away from her, meeting the gaze of his commander, whom was raising a confused eyebrow.

"...Right then," Erwin spoke out. "Let's begin. The first thing I want to offer you all is a proposal."

"A proposal?" questioned [Y/N].

"Yes. After deliberation, Levi and I have concluded that we want you all to form the new Levi squad," he continued. "Would you all be okay we that?"

It took a moment for the information to make its way in everyone's brain, but when it did, all of their faces lit up. Most of them got up from their seats, overjoyed.

"Are you serious?" asked Mikasa.

"Of course we want to!" added Jean.

"That's awesome!" exclaimed Sasha.

"Oi! Settle down, don't make a mess! He's not done talking," Levi interjected.

"Listen to him, cadets," the commander agreed, though in a much calmer demeanor. "This is not the only news I have."

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now