Chapter One

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Megan's Pov

¨Mom I have plans later you know I can't stay late and help work¨ I yelled to my mom downstairs while I started getting my work clothes out of my closet. 

My family owns a restaurant and I help out a lot. Don't get me wrong I don't mind working there but I don't like having to work there when I have plans with people.

¨Well not anymore, your staying for the whole time and not leaving early,  it's going to be crowded and packed later we need the help¨ she yelled back seeming annoyed.

I rolled my eyes at this and began putting on my black leggings and a t-shirt that I would be wearing tonight. Thank god I don't have some ugly uniform that my parents would make me wear otherwise I wouldn't help them.

¨Megan let's go hurry up stop taking forever¨ My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

¨I am coming jesus¨ I yelled while sprinting to the bathroom to put on light mascara and some perfume.

I combed through my hair quickly before practically sprinting out my bedroom door and down the stairs. I met my mom down at the bottom of the stairs who handed me my jacket before grabbing my shoes and putting them on. I ran to the car after and before I knew it we were already there.

My dad was already at the restaurant because he was working the morning hours so we just met him there. My sister was at her friend's house already so she didn't have to work today, which I find very unfair.

My familys business is a very well known restaurant in the city so most of the time it isn't uncommon for celebrities to come in. I don't really pay enough attention usually to know who is there. I just sit people down and go on my phone when I don't have to do anything.

Tonight though I really didn't want to be there. It was one of my best friends Sophie's birthday and she invited me over for a party. Me at work was not something on my top priorities. I just planned on working for an hour ish of my seven hour shift I was supposed to work and then sneak out the back and catch a cab to her house. I know there's a really good chance of me getting in trouble but I'm going to try until I get caught.

I walked into the familiar building and heard the bells ring on the door and went behind the front desk where I would be working for the next 7 hours. I saw Jammie standing behind the front desk helping out a customer as I walked in. He briefly looked up from the sound of the bells ringing and he smiled and waved at me once he realized it was me. I waited by the door looking at my phone waiting for him to be done helping them out before I would go over.

I'm fortunate that my parents hate rude people. I mean who doesn't hate rude people? but my parents have a hatred towards anyone who's personality is boarder line rude. They refuse to have anyone like that in their work environment. On other nights I enjoy working with the people there. Just not tonight.

My parents thankfully have hired some of my other friends from school to work at the restaurant. I was quite surprised when they did hire some of my friends but I wasn't going to complain. Everyone that I work with is very friendly and I have a great friendship with everyone that works here.

I think that's one of the reasons why this place is so popular. You don't get a place where people are friendly and the food is good very often in my opinion.

I knew one of my close friends Jammie was also working today behind the counter and I was happy at least I would have someone to keep me company. Once Jammie finished helping out the customer I went over and put down my stuff I had brought with me.

Jammie is one of my favorite coworkers. We were friends even before he started working at the restaurant. But we just grew even more close now that we were together pretty frequently.

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