Chapter Two

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Megan's Pov
Chapter 2

I woke up to an unknown room lying in a bed with white sheets around me. I sat up but I immediately felt my head pounding; which i'm guessing is from the chloroform.

"Mother fucker" I said while grabbing my head in pain.
The pain soon disapeared as the realization of I was kidnapped set in.

I started panicking looking around the room to see if there was anywhere for me to escape but there wasn't. My gaze immediately went to the door and I got up and began slowly walking towards the door being careful to try not to make any noise.

That changed when the door opened and someone came in and started walking towards me.

It was one of the boys from the restaurant last night. The blonde one.

"Hey you are awake great I wa-" He started saying before I bolted past him out the door looking for somewhere to escape.

I ran down the hall towards the stairs which I assumed lead to the downstairs. I heard shouts from behind me which I'm guessing was the blonde getting the other's attention or just yelling at me to come back. Either way, I didn't really care I just needed to get out of there. I began running down the stairs and I heard the voices of boys below me and when I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw a couch with 2 guys sitting on it who immediately turned around from the commotion and looked back at me with wide eyes.

It was curly and black hair.

I made eye contact with them and we all for a split second stared at each other before I looked to my right and saw the door. Black hair and curly must of realized what I was doing because as I bolted for the door, black hair ran for me and when I reached the door handle he grabbed my waist and did a full 180 with me in his grip.

"Let me go. Let me go you piece of shit" I screamed as he dragged me away from the door and over to curly who was death staring at me

While he was dragging me over I saw the rest of the guys walk down from the stairs and to see what was going on. Black hair brought me over to where curly was standing. He grabbed my wrists and forcefully pulled them behind my back. I yelped in pain from this but that didn't seem to phase him.

The boys all walked over to where I was standing and the blonde was shaking his head at me in disapproval. The others just had their arms crossed over their chest staring at me. I immediately recognized them as the boys from One Direction and believe me these fuckers had a lot of questions coming. I've listened to their music before I just don't know their names.

"Okay you are probably confused right now and I understand. But don't try to run again or there will be consequences," Buz cut said harshly at me

I gulped in fear and just looked at them realizing the situation I was actually in

"Yes I'm confused and I would really appreciate an explanation of why I'm sitting here in front of 5 fucking men who kidnapped me," I said back at him.

I think I took him by surprise with my attitude because he lifted his eyebrow at me. I also saw I earned a smirk from curly standing near me who I guess liked my attitude I was giving his friend. The brunette with fluffy hair and the blonde I could tell were holding in their laughter.

"Okay first off no more swearing. That's one of the rules I will go over with you but you already seem like you got a bloody mouth. I'll introduce you to everyone." Buz cut said while looking over at fluffy hair

"This is Louis," he said pointing at the brunette with blue eyes. He gave me a small smile but didn't say anything

"This is Niall," he said pointing at the Blonde one.

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