Chapter Three

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Megan's Pov

We all continued to watch Toy Story and eventually, Niall and Zayn came over from the kitchen to join us. I hated being around all of them at the same time.

We were about 30 minutes into the movie before I heard the doorbell ring. All our heads spontaneously looked at the door and all back at each other and I saw the boy's eyes all go wide. The guys all stood up and started walking around panicking on what they should do.

Idiots kidnap someone and order pizza to the place where their keeping the person they kidnapped.

"Niall please don't tell me you did delivery on the pizza I told you I would pick it up you idiot" Louis said to Niall with anger in his voice

Niall just stood there scratching the back of his head awkwardly realizing his mistake.

I slowly stood up from the couch and I decided I was going to try again to make a run for it towards the door. I know the door was locked but I could at least get the guys attention.  Harry looked over at me from talking to the guys. We made eye contact for a brief second and I think he realized what I was about to do

Yea I wouldn't be able to make it to the door but I still have my other option.


Before I could even have the chance to open my mouth to scream Harry ran over to me, and grabbed me with one arm by my waist and pulled me towards him with my back to his chest and put his other hand over my mouth. I started fighting him and trying to scream but my screams were muffled into his hands.

"Don't even try love your not going anywhere" Harry whispered into my ear

I began kicking and trying my best to get him to let go but my strength was no match for him, but I still was going to try to make it difficult for him.

"Jesus, Louis mate come over and help me control her" Harry said whisper yelling to Louis

Louis came rushing over to help Harry, grabbing my legs while Harry was still holding onto my waist and his hand was over my mouth.

The others were still pacing around still figuring out on what to exactly do.

"Both of you, go in the closet with her and don't make any noise while we get the pizza" Zayn told Harry and Louis before looking at me

"I'll deal with you after" Zayn said through his teeth

Harry began dragging me backwards towards a closet near the kitchen while I saw in the corner of my eye Niall grabbing his wallet for the pizza. When we got inside the closet and Harry shut the door and Louis released my legs. Harry was still holding onto me and I made the decision to bite down on his hand to get him to let go.

I bit hard making Harry release his grip around my mouth.

¨The bitch bit me¨ Harry hissed releasing me from his grip while grabbing his hand.

I lunged for the door but Louis grabbed me and pulled me back at him. He pulled us both towards the wall behind us and we both stumbled backwards before we slid down the wall, Louis was still keeping his grip on me not letting go. He sat himself on the ground with me on top of him sitting on his lap, pinning my arms down in front of him with one of his hands and covering my mouth with his other hand.

Once Harry stopped whining about his hand he  looked over at us. He decided to lay himself down on my legs to make sure I dont make anymore. The weight of him on my legs took me by surprise and my whole body tensed up and my eyes went wide; he's heavier then he looks. Harry chuckled by my reaction

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