Chapter 7

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Megan's Pov

I've never been the nosy type of person. I don't like getting myself into other peoples business when it's none of my concern. It's their business and their own issues, it's not mine. My parents have always stressed to me growing up that it's just better to stay out of things you shouldn't be in, especially when it's nothing but trouble.

"Now love will you tell me what you were doing " he mused, his head still coked to the side slightly with a devious grin on his face. He was obviously waiting for an answer.

I tried to think of any sort of lie or excuse I could say to him. The best one I could think of was playing dumb.

"What do you mean? You saw me tied up when you came back? I was in room the entire day?" I answered confidently hoping he would actually believe me.

"There's no reason to lie" he said in a more serious tone then before not breaking eye contact.

"I'm not lying" I replied back quickly. He sighed and sat back up and reached towards his back pocket and pulled out another phone. I continued watching him as he unlocked it and appeared like he was looking for something. He turned his phone around so I could look at what he was looking for and I should of known better.

My breathing became unsteady as I watched security camera footage of me. I began biting the inside of my lip as I watched the footage. It had caught everything. I stood there watching the footage as I left the bedroom and went towards the stairs, and walking back towards the gun room at the end of the hallway. I looked away for a brief second to see Harry looking at me watching the film. It ended with me running back to the room where I figured he put two and two together that I tied myself back up once they returned.

I was dumb enough to not even look to see if there was security cameras around me. Harry took away the phone from in front of him and put it back into his back pocket.

"Usually, when people are doing illegal things you have cameras to catch people like you snooping places they shouldn't be"  Harry begins saying.

"I didn't even mean to go in there. I was trying to find one of the others bedrooms"

"For what? " he questions

I opened my mouth to say some bullshit lie but I quickly shut it to think more of a better response. I know I'm already screwed for seeing what was in that room and I don't think me telling him what I was actually trying to find would help the situation.

"I quite honestly don't know" I sighed

"I was bored out of my mind in that room and I wanted to explore the other rooms upstairs. I didn't know opening that door would show me whatever illegal stuff you have going on in there"

He raised his eyebrows at what I said and started slowly nodding his head. He stood up from the couch. He started walking towards me and I instinctively began walking backwards scared for why he was coming near me. His presence terrifies me even more not knowing what they are capable of.

"If only if you would of stayed tied down in that room Meg, we wouldn't be in this situation right now would we" he says while getting even closer to me

My back hit something behind me and when I turned around I saw that I was against the wall. When I turned back around Harry was standing right in front of me, towering intimidatingly over me.

"You don't know what you just got yourself into  do you" he says while reaching for the side of my head and pushed back some of my hair behind my ear.

I instinctively flinched at his touch and I reached my hand up and shoved his hand from my hair.

"Not a smart move sweetheart "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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