Chaper Four

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Megan's pov

I layed down on that couch for about 2 hours watching tv trying not to have any other interactions with the boys. They stayed in the kitchen for the most part and I saw them occasionally looking over at me to make sure I wasn't doing anything. I heard footsteps approaching me and I shut my eyes pretending to be asleep hoping they wouldn't bother me.

"Louis mate is she sleeping" I heard Niall whisper

I still kept my eyes closed and I could tell they were standing over the couch looking down at me. I'll admit it was pretty creepy having them stare at me like that.

"I don't know when someone has their eyes closed like that they are probably sleeping idiot" Louis whispered to Niall

"We should wake her soon so she can decide who she is going to sleep with tonight" Niall says which immediately made my eyes shoot open wide and I sat up and turned and looked over at them.

"I'm not sleeping thank you very much" I began saying

"What do you mean I'm going to be sleeping with one of you?" I asked them starting to get nervous about what they would say.

"Megan you've tried to escape multiple times today, you're not even close to being trusted to sleep alone. Might want to think about what room you want to sleep in" Harry said coming out of the kitchen approaching the couch.

I felt sick to my stomach. I just looked at them disgusted at the fact that I actually have to choose who I'm sleeping with. The idea of being alone with one of them in a room where I'm sleeping being extremely vulnerable is terrifying. I don't know their intentions let alone if one of them try to rape me.

"I-I-I don't trust any of you, what if one of you fucking try to rape me" I choked out beginning to shake

"Woah Woah, none of us would do that. We actually have a lot of respect for you Megan, everything I do is consensual and I wouldn't do that to you. Even if you don't believe me." Harry says to me shrugging his shoulders

"Considering the fact you all kidnapped me I find that very hard to believe" I replied back to him making him roll his eyes at me

He just shook his head and turned to whisper something in Niall's ear who nodded in agreement before looking back at me.

"You're going to sleep with one of us at least once a week, so it's not just one guy getting to spend the night with you. Since your taking too long to decide we decided for you who your going to sleep with" Niall says to me making my mouth drop in shock

"Wha-" I began saying before I was interrupted by Louis

"You're sleeping with Harry tonight, me tomorrow, then Liam, then Zayn, and then Niall. You can decide for the weekend who you sleep with if you act well enough during the week" Louis says to me which makes my mouth drop even more in shock.

"I am not sleeping in the same room with any of you. You're all crazy." I say in frustration

"I'm quite comfortable right here actually" I said to the boys, beginning to lay myself back down and attempt to make myself look like I'm comfortable.

They all were looking at me seeming amused by my attempts of getting out of spending the night with Harry. Harry seemed like he wasn't as happy by my attempts.

"Love it's getting late let's go and not cause a scene" Harry says calmly to me with a little of frustration in his voice

Zayn and Liam came out from the kitchen and looked at Harry and I before walking themselves upstairs to go to their rooms. Niall gave Harry a seemingly good luck nod before going up the stairs himself.

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