Chapter six

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Megan's pov

I have never been this bored in my life.

Sitting in a room tied to a bed staring at the ceiling is not the ideal thing to be doing, especially for four hours.

They left around 10 am and it's about 2:15 now. I wish I knew when they were getting back. Niall said they would be gone for a couple hours, but he never specified what time that they would be coming back.

For the first hour I pulled and tugged at the ropes that were holding my hands in place while trying to ignore the pain from the ropes digging into my skin. I stopped after a while when the pain was getting too much from the ropes since those fuckers tied me pretty tight.

After giving up, I spent the last previous hours thinking about me successfully escaping and going home to my family. I didn't realize how much I take for granted everyday; even little things I ever thought would be important to me.

The feeling of hugging someone you love or care about is taken for granted daily. Being in the presence and spending time with people you may care about is also taken for granted, you don't know how much time you may actually have with them. When I get out of here I'll be able to go back to my normal life and continue working hard to go to medical school.

I always had a good relationship with my family. Me and my mom fight occasionally but thats over little things. She has been truly my best friend my entire life and has always supported me with whatever I may do. My dad and I have always had a good relationship but he's never really home. He runs the restaurant and has some side business as well which makes him constantly working 24/7. I've noticed my dad keeps his side jobs more personal but I admire how hard he works. My mom works tirelessly at the restaurant and I have always aspired to work just as hard as they do. I wouldn't consider myself to be rich but I'm definitely not poor. My parents have worked for years to get to where we are today and I am forever grateful to have such hardworking parents.

I know it's common for restaurant owners' kids to take over the family's business, but I don't have intentions of taking over the family's restaurant when I'm old enough. Just because its not something I feel like I would enjoy waking up everyday and doing. You're supposed to love what your job is and I have a feeling I wouldn't love it. My parents spoke to me about taking on the business and I could tell they were upset I didn't want to but they respected my choice. Even when I was younger I knew I wanted to become a doctor when I was older. I find it so fascinating while being a doctor you're able to save lives and having the chance to bring others happiness and hope in their lives. Nobody in my family has become a doctor but I've always wanted to help people and surgeries fascinated me. As of when I can start that all again, I don't know.

I don't know if my parents will believe me when I tell them One Direction kidnapped me, but I know they will be curious about who took me. Sophie knew about One Direction even before they kidnapped me. I would even say she is a fan. She constantly talked about how she loved their music and how attractive they were.

I snapped out of my daydreaming and I got the sudden urge to start pulling at my wrists again. I started yanking my wrists even harder in a downward motion trying to unt-


I felt the ropes around my right wrists suddenly become loose and I felt them fall right next to my head.

No freaking way.

I immediately sat up from laying down on the bed staring at the rope laying next to me. I still had the duct tape on my mouth and I tried my best to remove it without it being too painful but even me trying to be careful it hurt like a bitch.

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