Chapter Five

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Megan's Pov
I woke up the next morning still wrapped in Harry's arms, and as I opened my eyes I heard laughing and whispering nearby. I tried to get up but he had a death grip on my waist. I groaned and still tried to attempt to get out of his grip but nothing was working.

I lifted my head up and looked around and back to see Niall and Louis attempting to look suttle looking in through the door at us, it was barely open but enough for me to see them piled on top of eachother watching us. I furrowed my brows and made eye contact with them before they both burst out laughing.

"Looking quite comfortable there Meg ay?" Louis laughed, opening the door wide enough for both of them to walk in. Niall quickly followed and had his phone up taking a picture of us.

I thought Harry locked the door ?

"It's Megan to you" I hissed at Louis who was still laughing at me. I looked over at Niall hoping he would help me more than Louis was.

"Can you get sleeping beauty to let go please" I begged Niall. He started laughing before walking closer to the bed.

Harry was still dead asleep, he hasn't woken up at all from anything going on in the room. Even though I wish he did. Niall came even closer and leaned over the bed and it seemed like he was going to whisper something into Harry's ear.

"Hey fuck face!" Niall instead screamed into his ear, making Harry's eyes shoot open and release his grip on my waist

"It's time to wake up" Niall yelled, sending Harry into a full on panicked mode standing up quickly onto his feet and letting me fall onto my stomach on the ground. I landed with a thud making the other boys laugh even harder. 

"Good morning to you sleeping beauty" Louis said to Harry still laughing at this whole situation

Louis reached down and grabbed me by the waist to help me up to my feet. I stood myself up after him helping me a little and I turned to glare at Harry. He just shrugged his shoulders in defense before walking away like nothing happened. He made his way to the bathroom before shutting the door behind him, doing whatever he was doing in there.

My stomach then began grumbling and I placed my hand on it hoping it would stop making noise. I didn't even realize I hadn't eaten in almost two days which I don't think is normal.

But being kidnapped wasn't normal either.

"Can I go make myself breakfast? or do I have to have whatever you guys make" I asked Niall who was wiping his tears from laughing so much.

"Yes you can go make something,  not an issue" He replied giving me a small smile.

I nodded my head at him before walking out the bedroom door going towards the kitchen. As I walked down the stairs I looked over at the door remembering yesterday when I tried to escape and miserably failed. If I was going to try to escape the most I can do is actually have a plan this time.

I reached the bottom of the stairs to see Zayn sitting on one of the island seats eating a bowl of cereal scrolling on his phone. He looked up at me from eating and gave me a concerned look.

"Darling do they know you're down here alone? I don't want to get in trouble for something you didn't listen to" he asked me with a serious tone in his voice

"No Niall said I can come down here to get myself something to eat" I replied to Zayn
with a nervous tone in my voice

"Oh okay good" he said putting a spoonful of cereal into his mouth

"You can have anything really in here. I don't know what you like to eat but we have anything you can really think of. Niall eats his snacks every hour so we're stoked on everything" Zayn said chewing on his food.

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