Chapter 4

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A day has passed and we already acquired the factory and got enough workers to make it work. As I'm looking at the map stuck above my desk, I cross over the factory we took from the Templar's hold, and circle another one which isn't too far. Starrick won't know what hit him .

Then I turn, focusing on the letter my mother sent me and that I placed on the corner of the desk waiting to read it, when Henry calls me downstairs. Glancing at the time, I get my robe and secure my gauntlet before I walk downstairs where I meet the twins and Henry.

"It's time to go, are you ready?" Jacob asks me, I nod and I follow them out. "I've never seen you fighting, I hope you'll hold your own."

Evie and I glance quickly at each other and I smile at the small crease of her eyebrow. "I promise you won't have to worry about me, Mister Frye."

When reaching the place of the fight, Jacob waves at us to spread out with the Rooks and it's not long before I find myself in front of two Blighters, who prompt a smirk as they run up to me.

The first one tries to punch me in the face but I crouch down, hitting his abdomen with the cane Henry gifted to me. The other one hasn't got a clear visual of me so I quickly throw my hand to his belly and free the hidden blade, he grunts and when I retract both blade and arm, he falls on his knees. Standing up, I swerve back to the first one and hit his head with my cane, feeling his skull give in.

I hear a clicking noise and, turning around, I locate a red jacket pointing her gun on me. Getting out of the way, I grab a knife and throw it, easily hitting her in the heart. Looking around, I catch sight of Keylock on the roof of the moving train, Evie and I share a look of understanding and then we sprint after him, Evie is faster than me so after she jumps on the last wagon, she helps me getting on it, then we climb up the roof to try run after him, but we have to stop as we see Blighters around us while Keylock is a few wagons ahead of us.

"You get him, I'll handle them," I tell her, preparing my gun.

She doesn't even wait for them to jump on us to go after him, I catch two out of five of them by shooting one and throwing a knife to the other stopping their chase, and I am lucky enough to kill them instantly.

"Alright, first you kill me, then you can try your hand on her. Got it?"

Other two run up to me while the third waits, I crouch evading their swings then I swipe the legs out of the brute and punch the other behind the knee making it buckle,whirling to face the the third I try to hit her with my cane but she just jumps back before I could land the hit. Meanwhile the one I punched tries to hit me behind my back, but he merely grazes me as I follow my swing.

We stay still for a second, catching our breath while my heart beats like crazy, but eventually the brute jumps on me, I easily step aside and hit him on the belly and, while he is bent over, I follow it with a second hard knock at his temple and kick him off the ledge. Spinning around, I whack the second to last hard enough to make him fall under the train.

I hear a gunshot and, turning around, I jump on the last one scuffling for a brief moment, but eventually I get the upper hand, throwing him off the train.

Finally, I can catch a breather. Then I turn around and go over where Evie is finishing the fight with Keylock.

When I reach her, she has just killed him. "I see it went well." I smile at her while she kicks the body off the roof.

"Yeah, it was a nice chat." She looks over at me but then she focuses on something on me. "Did you get hurt?"

Following her line of sight I see a growing red stain on my —formerly— pristine white undershirt. "Motherfucker..."

Unchaining Utopia (Evie Frye x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now