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It's the dawn of a new day here in London, the sun streams through the curtains awakening me, I sigh turning around in the strong embrace I am in and I snuggle further in Evie, she stirs and mumbles, "Good morning..."

"Shut up, it's our day off" I feel her chuckle vibrating in her chest and I groan. "Oh, come on!"

"You're adorable." I glare at her but it makes her laugh harder.

"I can't stand you, right now."

"You love me."

I sigh and I turn on my side, giving her my back. "Sometimes I wonder why..."

She hugs me from behind and starts kissing me from my shoulder to the neck and stops short of my ear and whispers, "I love you too."

I am suddenly awake and I turn around smiling. "Really?"

"Truly. How could I not when you cut your hair just to dance with me, yesterday?"

She cards her fingers through my short hair, making me blush. "To be clear, this is going back to its original length."

Evie smiles and kisses me. "Come on, today you promised to see Clara."

I sigh and I slip out of bed and I change into comfy clothes. "I imagine I'll spend all day with her, so I'll see you tonight."

"Alright. See you tonight." I walk to her bedside and I bend down to kiss her before I go.

After a brief stop at a bakery, I reach Clara's home and I knock, surprisingly it's little Fae opening the door, I smile and I crouch down. "Good morning, love."

"Miss Elizabeth!" she hugs me and I chuckle then I smile at Clara who has come down the stairs.

"Hello, Elizabeth."

"Hi, kid. I brought some biscuits."

"Fae, let her in so we can eat them." before the child can step back I pick her up with an arm and I walk in, Clara closes the door and she guides me to the kitchen.

"Did you have breakfast?"

"Not really, I am not feeling very hungry."

"I understand, but please, at least eat one or two biscuits." she sighs and picks one while Fae extends her arm to the box, I smile giving her what she wants and she starts nibbling it, I place her on a stool and I walk to the shelves. "I'll make some tea for all of us. Is Fae the only one here?" I ask.

"No, there are also Helen, James and a few others. I believe 'our day' has become 'everyone's day'."

I chuckle and I reply, "It just means I'll have to make a few more trips to the bakery and possibly finish the tea here." after I place the kettle on the stove I turn to look at the kids. "And it's not always bad having company in times like these."

She shrugs her shoulders and mumbles, "I suppose."

I glance at Fae and I smile seeing all the crumbs and her full cheeks. "You look like a squirrel, darling." she brushes off the crumbs and start chewing the biscuits she fit in her mouth.

"Soon the others will wake, so I'll take this moment to ask: when do you think of moving in?"

"I don't know, Clara, you tell me." she sighs and I frown, I look at Fae and I tell her, "Love, could you go in the other room? You can take the biscuits." she nods and she scampers off with the goods, I walk up to Clara and I hug her, she relaxes a little but then she starts sobbing soaking my shirt. "I'm so sorry." I mumble.

Unchaining Utopia (Evie Frye x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now