Chapter 7

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(Elizabeth's point of view)

Once we reach the place, we find a perch on a roof to look into the yard of the building and we see an odd man looking into a window of the distillery, but he hides once we hear a loud voice saying, "Keep an eye out, lads. Someone's targeting our network. The distillery might be next."

I glance at Jacob as he says, "This will complicate things."

I count the men outside and I say, "It's six of them, four inside the yard and two out. Since I don't have the permission to fight, I will cover your back from up here. I'll take the two outside."

He nods and he jumps in the hay a few feet away from us, I notice the barrels hanging and the two guards outside, I think a little and then I grab a knife and throw it under the barrels, it clancks loudly on the ground and those two idiots walk in its direction, I wait for a moment and once they are under that I throw another one on the rope, it snaps and everything falls on their heads, unfortunately all the commotion is not enough for the others to check on it, but I manage to blend in the small crowd of commoners to get back my knife, I hear some sounds and in a minute all the other guards are down for the count and Jacob is walking to the doors of the building.

I catch up with him but when we look into the lock we hear a sound behind us, Jacob reacts by turning around and pointing the hidden blade to the odd old man's throat, while I simply turn around, the man slaps his wrist away and says, "You should not go about frightening respectable gentlemen, young man."

For which Jacob replies hastily, "I didn't realize snooping around was considered gentlemanly."

The man gasps and says, "Snooping? Sir, I assure you..." I hear footsteps and I turn to see a few blighters walking, giving their backs to us, I turn to the doors and I grab the lock, I don't bother to pick on it and I break it dragging Jacob and the old man inside, I close the door with Jacob's help while the man says, "That was too close a call!" I look at my partner and then we ignore it and we look around the place while he says, "You, young man and your companion here, gave me quite a fright!" How unfortunate... we see him walking to a direction and immediately Jacob and I follow him "I thought you were some of them, but I realize now why you're here. Same reason as I am, I imagine..."

"What?" I mumble.

"I believe I've found something." I follow his eyes and it is a rather big machinery here. "A rather impressive contraption, wouldn't you say?"

"I prefer a death trap, actually, knowing what it does," I reply while Jacob says, "I've seen bigger." I glance at him and I hope he is not serious about his stupid answer, but his face tells me everything. Why didn't I go with Evie? God help me. I shake a little my head when I remember something, I approach Jacob and I ask him, "Mind telling me who he is?"

"I don't know, he just showed up once and he appears from time to time."

I nod and then we watch him walking to a desk and examining something. "Datura stranonium. Or Devils snare, as it is commonly called... That goes into the Syrup? And opium, no less. Revolting! Absolutely sickening!" he runs to a wheel and he says, "A favorable way to proceed, wouldn't you agree?"

We watch the gas getting out of it and I mumble, "Oh dear..."

"Find a way out of here, quickly! We will think about the rest of the valves."

"Very well, young man, and lady."

He walks out and I sigh. "If I'm gonna die, you will tell my mother."

"Why should I? Couldn't I die too?"

"No, you are lucky like that. Now let's go, I will distract the goons while you open the valves."

Unchaining Utopia (Evie Frye x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now