Chapter 17

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(Evie's point of view)

I watch her walk away and I sigh, a headache starting to pound between my temples. "Is everything alright, Miss Frye?"

I turn to face the Sergeant and I nod. "Yes, everything's... peachy."

"Oh, alright. If you need anything you can call me."

"I will, have a good one, Sergeant." we part ways and I start to make way back to the train, with a barely noticeable slump in my shoulders. Way to go, Evie, just what you needed; an angry Elizabeth may be the reason of my early departure, Starrick be damned. I sigh looking down on my feet.

As I almost reach the train I find a kid selling roses, I stop dead in my tracks and I check my pockets finding a few coins, I approach him and I put on a small smile. "Hello there."

He looks up and with hopeful eyes he asks me, "Do you want some roses?"

"Yes, I do. You see, I angered... a dear friend of mine and I want to apologise. Your roses seem up to the task."

He smiles and nods. "Of course they are! Here, these are the best I've got." he hands me three beautiful red roses, without thorns.

I gladly give him my money and I pat his head. "Good luck, little one." he waves at me as I walk away in the direction of Henry's shop.

I reach the library and I take a deep breath in, I walk in and Henry is not here, luckily enough, I get upstairs and I stop in front of their apartment's door, I knock and I wait... when I hear nothing I try again, this time I hear light footsteps and when she opens the door she greets me with a knife pointed at my throat, after a few moments she lowers it "So soon?" she asks.

"May I please come in?" she stands aside and I walk in, when she closes the door behind me I present to her the small bouquet.

She looks at it suspiciously and asks, "What for?"

"I wanted to get you something physical along with my apologies." she nods and turns around leading me to the kitchen, although I know where it is.

We sit down and she takes the flowers. "I love them." her lips twitch into a shadow of a smile and I relax a little.

"I'm sorry for offending you, it's just... I'm not great with expressing feelings and, even if a part of me is still caged in my father's 'motto', I'm trying to be better."

She sighs and she stands up, I follow her with my gaze while she gets a tall glass and puts the flowers inside, watering them, still giving me her back she says, "I'm sorry too, I... was so furious with Henry's abductors that I needed to vent, killing them wasn't enough and I went too far in taking it out on you."

I stand up and gently hug her from behind. "You're not at fault, here. You were worried and I made you feel like it was your fault, I should have seen it coming." she smiles finally and I relax on her back.

She gently holds my hands around her waist and she says, "I can be a hot head, at times, one day it will be my downfall."

I chuckle and I reply, "I don't think so, emotions can grant you strength... but you must never let them overpower you."

She sighs leaning on me, she turns a little to look me in the eyes and she says, "Alright, I'll try to control myself, but you have to let it go, sometimes."


We smile at each other and she leans forward kissing me lightly, we both sigh relieved, she turns around in my embrace and she cups my cheeks, leaning back. "Tonight, Henry and I will dine together, would you like to join us? Maybe ask Jacob, too?"

Unchaining Utopia (Evie Frye x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now