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I shot up from my sleep, immediately feeling a hand pressed on my shoulder, gently pushing me back down

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I shot up from my sleep, immediately feeling a hand pressed on my shoulder, gently pushing me back down. I looked around, noticing I wasn't in the classroom but in the nurse's office.

"What happened?" I asked and she looked at me with an unsure smile.

"You and your lab partner ruined the science room, after that odd concoction blew, the fumes knocked you out. It's most likely that you experienced a strange dream or feeling." She explained and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Thank god it was just a dream, scratch that- nightmare.

"Am I free to go?" I quickly continued. The nurse nodded, gesturing to the door. I slid off the bed and was about to open the door when she began talking again.

"You'll have to pay for the new equipment and windows." I nodded quickly and opened the door, closing it behind me.

I guess one part of the nightmare was true.

As soon as I stepped out I looked around, seeing Asrael standing at the end of the corridor. Without a second thought I rushed up, hugging him. He seemed startled but laughed and hugged me back.

"What did the failed experiment do to you?" He asked and I pulled away for a moment before pressing a firm kiss to his lips.

"You don't even want to know." I rubbed a hand over my forehead and smiled up at him. He seemed confused but dropped the subject and placed an arm around my shoulder, leading me outside.

Was I supposed to tell him about the nightmare? It felt like I was lying to him by not doing. But what it he takes it in the wrong way? He has to know I would never, cheat on him.

"Say it before your mind explodes." Rael spoke from next to me, a silly smile playing on his lips.

I thought over the decision before nodding to myself.

"When the fumes from the failed experiment knocked me out, I had a dream. Well, nightmare. Uh, so, well, me and Jaxon were still in the classroom and we ended up kissing. That was before someone hit me with a soccer ball and I woke up. But listen, I would never even think of-" he cut me off with another laugh and my brows furrowed. Was he going to explode at any minute?

"Chill babe, the nurse explained that even though you didn't make the crystal, you made something that messes with your subconscious." He took his keys out of his pocket, unlocking the car.

"So you're not mad?" I held my breath.

He glanced down at me,"Why would I be mad? Jaxon may be relatively good looking but he doesn't do that thing I do with my tongue-"

"Wayyy to much information." Wyatt gagged, sticking his head out the car window. We both rolled our eyes at him and stepped into the car.

"Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you have gone back with Hadley?" Asrael covered up a laugh by clearing his throat and Wyatt scoffed.

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