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Asrael Furore

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Asrael Furore

I landed one more punch on the bag until it was all I could do to ease my anger. I hit the bag again and again as my knuckles bled but I didn't mind or care, I couldn't feel it, all I saw was red.

"Az what the fuck are you doing?" Someone turned me around and I came face to face my older brother who looked down at me with almost as much anger as I had in me.

Kasen grabbed my hands, glancing over my knuckles before back up at me.

"You could mess up your hand doing this shit." He growled angrily. I pulled my hands away from him and pulled a shirt over my head.

As I was about to leave the gym he walked in front of me, pushing me back. I folded my arms across my chest, waiting for him to speak.

"You want to find her? Stop sitting in this gym every day and fucking up your life even more." Kasen had a scowl set on his face and I clenched my fists.

"What do you think I've been doing every day for the past month? I wake up, I go to the office, we get a lead, we follow it and it leads us nowhere. So I come here and release my anger because my girlfriend is missing as well as my fucking unborn children." I yelled as surprise covered his face. I brushed past him but not before ramming my fist into the wall. I heard Kasen sigh from behind me but I just kept on walking.

No one looked my way as I made my way upstairs, rushing away from me instead and I slammed the door to our room behind me. I might have been acting like a child but to me it was justified.

The cold water ran over my hands and I hissed at the pain, just now realising the state of my split knuckles. I cleaned the cuts as best as I could before having a shower and getting dressed before heading back downstairs.

I could hear Damon from where I was, yelling at anyone who even looked in his direction. I couldn't blame him and I was glad at least Nikolai could calm him down. I briefly saw Wyatt curled up on the couch next to Hadley, his face tear stained.

I shut the front door behind me and locked it before heading out of the driveway on my run. Everything had become routine now for everyone. Almost everyone walked around with no emotion or too much for them to handle.

Alexander never left his office, everyone knew he slept in there as well. If it wasn't for Helios and Kayden who brought him food I doubted he would eat either.

Reuben was never in any more, spending his time at the underground fighting rings or in a bar. He usually got back around four in the morning and left at six.

Zane spent every minute searching for Victoria, only stopping when he realised the lead he was chasing wouldn't lead him anywhere so he went to the music room.

Adrian was an asshole about everything and said he wanted Vic back but hoped she was returned or found without the babies. That landed him in hospital for a few days.

Creed had to look after Ella but helped whenever she was asleep or with Mackenzie.

Damon was still Damon but with his anger levels intensified by a thousand. From anywhere in the house at any hour you could hear him shouting at someone or sending the punching bags off their hooks.

Wyatt was an emotional mess, helping every single second but he eventually broke down after the second week she was gone. Hadley kept him grounded but I could tell it was hard for her as well, she was Vic's best friend.

All the other families in the house were pulling strings to try and get new information but everything we tried led to nothing. Silas and the rest of my family were here helping or trying to get leads from home in Phoenix.

I pushed past the ache in my muscles, running faster as the rain mixed with my knuckles making it seem like I had blood on my hands. Which in theory, I did. I had killed countless people because that was what I was trained to do. I wasn't supposed to feel anything for anyone. No one in the life we lived was supposed to because this was the result.

Pain and anger.

No one was out this late at night and I sunk down a tree when I couldn't ignore the ache in my bones anymore.
Traitorous tears fell one after the other but I wiped them away angrily.

I just wanted her back, I needed her to be back with me and her brothers.

Somehow though, I didn't think many of us would make it out of this war alive.

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