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I watched as the hand on the clock hit twelve and sighed, resting my head back on the beam my hands were currently tied to

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I watched as the hand on the clock hit twelve and sighed, resting my head back on the beam my hands were currently tied to.

That's exactly two months.

"They'll be looking for you, I promise Vic." I merely nodded at the sound of Thackery's voice, watching as the time continued to pass us by.

When Hunter brought me here, Thackery was already present, having been kidnapped a week before me on a job in Chicago. Besides Hunter, the gaurds and Miss evil fucker, he was the only one I was allowed to talk to.

I heard the all familiar beep and smiled no so fondly at my brother's ex wife whose purple heels clicked loudly against the freezing cold floor. She shut the metal door behind her and dragged a chair to sit a few feet away from us. Sofia had learned her lesson after Thackery tripped her and I kicked one of her teeth out on our second week.

"Sofia, what an unpleasant surprise." I smiled sarcastically as she returned the smile ever so sweetly.

"I thought you'd like to know that your family and friends are no closer to finding you. Adrian is misleading them every step of the way so that's good." I scowled at the mention of my fourth oldest brother and turned my head to the side.

Thackery noticed this and said, "At least they're looking for her. Last time I checked your parents sent you to a psychiatric hospital and never came to pick you up-" Sofia dug her heel into his side and he hissed while I sent her a glare.

She then slapped him which just made him laugh and then resumed to sit back down on her chair.

"You're only going to be here for another five months or so, be happy about that. Once they're delivered-" She began but I kicked at the leg of her chair.

"You're not getting your filthy hands on my children you fucking bitch." I shouted, managing to ram my foot into her ankle which made her groan in pain.

She stood up and came over to me, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at her.

"No, I'm not. Someone much worse is." Sofia smirked and I glared harshly at her.

I managed to free my hands and grabbed her hair, making her meet me at eye level. I punched her before grabbing the knife she carried in her back pocket and digging it into her back.

She screamed from the pain and the door beeped again before the familiar gaurds came in. The mean one I called Jim because I didn't like him, took Sofia away with a shake of his head.

Issac came and tied me up again before I could do anymore damage to anyone before checking to see if Thackery had been hurt badly from her heel. Luckily it wasn't deep and he just patched it up before leaving.

The final guard and right hand man to the person running this whole thing, walked in and sat down on the chair with a sigh.

"You're not making this easier for anyone Vic." Zayden ran a hand over his face and looked down at me and Thackery dissaprovingly.

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