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We all looked between eachother and then Dante who seemed to have aged five years in just a week

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We all looked between eachother and then Dante who seemed to have aged five years in just a week. I didn't know if he'd actually given up on us or was too mad to even say anything.

"How the hell did you all manage to get suspended for two weeks?" He asked, taking a deep breath after and gesturing for one of us to explain.

Onyx took the opportunity with a bright smile,"Well, Hadley started hitting Wyatt with her heel and swinging her bag at him so naturally Hallie started punching Damon for some odd reason. Then Jaxon's now ex girlfriend started trying to slap Victoria so then she decked her. One thing led to another and the entire cafeteria started fighting." He finished with jazz hands.

Dante stared blankly at the twins and Jaxon, Alex looked at me dumbfounded, Ares glanced at Asteria with a proud glint in his eyes, Levi just sighed while looking at his younger siblings, Ace seemed used to it and continued with some paperwork and Avalia ruffled her siblings' hair to which they grimaced.

"So, can we go then?" Hallie asked with a hopeful smile.

Dante looked like he was about to protest but instead said," Be gone demons. But the beach trip this weekend? If anything goes wrong I swear you'll all be on house arrest. " And waved us off with his hand.

Once we were all out in the hallway again Hadley grinned and jumped happily,"Is everyone packed?"

Most of us glanced between eachother then her before shaking our heads. She looked away for a brief second like she was looking back at a hidden camera in the house.

"Ex-fucking-scuse me? The trip is tomorrow, we leave at eight and you're not packed. Why on earth do I have to live with you imbeciles?" Hadley rubbed a stressed hand over her forehead.

A minute passed and she suddenly looked up,"Why are you still here? Go, start packing."


The air was less tense in the morning, everyone being occupied with loading things into the cars or eating cereal or pissing Dante off.

"I swear if you don't get out of my sight right now-" Helios, Onyx and Wyatt scattered like scared cats when Dante reached into his back pocket but didn't pull anything out. They peeked around the corner and I laughed.

"I thought his was gonna pull his gun out on us." Wyatt placed a hand on his chest, frowning sadly.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes playfully, nudging him. He trailed next to me, pulling the suitcase along with ease. Usually he was out of breath from just walking up the stairs. I turned my head, brows drawing together when I saw Helios holding the other end of the suitcase up. That explains it.

Sometimes I wanted to know what went through my brothers head but then I knew it would be too disturbing so I shook the thought off.

"Chop chop idiots." Hallie called, sticking her head through the door and shouting some words of choice at us. The Valiente's and Limonova's had already set off toward the resort.

"We're coming, calm yourself." Jaxon called from the stairs, lugging down his duffel bag.

He eyed my suitcase,"What do you have in there? You're entire wardrobe?"

I rolled my eyes at him and he chuckled, meeting Hallie at the door and following her out. I only had a few outfits, a swim suit and some toiletries.

"I might have put all the food in your suitcase." Onyx admitted with a sheepish smile. In that case, how much food is there? Two fridges full?

"Why the fuck is the suitcase moving?" Eros questioned, looking at his twin with narrowed eyes.

I was about the state the obvious when he unzipped the case and a fluffy ginger cat jumped out, landing perfectly on top of him.

Everyone stated laughing at the mini war between Eros and the small furry while he sent death threats to his twin.

"Oh my god, it fucking scratched me. I'll kill you Lio, you hear me. Just wait- wait, where did you even get the rabid thing?"

"I found her at the park and decided to keep her, she's called Erolio. There were some flies on her or whatever but she's the best right?" Helios grinned happily. I gulped, sidestepping away after hearing the new information. After Eros finally got the cat off of him, he practically threw it toward Wyatt who attempted the dodge it.

"It's got fucking fleas you idiot." He seethed, shuddering.

I looked at where the small cat had landed and almost bolted out the door. Erolio was clawing her way through the designer jacket.

Great, we just assaulted Dante with a flea infested cat.


"We're here bitches." Hadley and Wyatt called simultaneously, startling me. I sat up quickly, bumping my head with Asrael's.

He kissed my forehead before looking outside and then glancing toward the idiots who were already stepping out of the car.

"What do you mean we're here? This is the gas station?" I commented. Wyatt rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and Hadley smacked him upside the head.

"My phone battery died and we lost the others so now none of us know where to go." He admitted. Hadley caught my eye and we both shared the same look.

For fucks sake.

Sorry for the short chapter guys, next one will be longer! Hope you enjoyed reading though!

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