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Needless to say I had the best eighteenth birthday ever

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Needless to say I had the best eighteenth birthday ever.

The next two weeks passed by uneventfully. Somewhat uneventfully. I mean we finished our community service but also managed to be put on house arrest by Dante.

One week ago...

I turned the page in my book, huffing out a breath. The characters just weren't going to get together were they.

"Vic, come with me." Hallie burst into the library, breathing heavily. I shut the book, placing it back down on the sofa and followed her out of the room into the hallway.

When we reached the kitchen everyone was already present, staring at something on Onyx's phone. I walked around to stand next to Wyatt and Hadley and peered over.

On the picture was Phoebe's now hot pink, glittery car. There was a light pink horse teddy on it as well which Onyx had insisted we buy to top off the look.

Before we took paint and glitter to it, it was a sleek black car that must've cost millions. The paint we used though definitely wouldn't come off and you couldn't paint over it.

We didn't do it for fun- even though it was mildly entertaining. Phoebe had ended up dumping yet another milkshake on me at school because she thought Jaxon was cheating on her with me. She also impaled Jax's hand with a fork. After that the twins decided we had a bit of revenge after she stabbed their brother. Psychopath, I know.

When my eyes moved to read the bottom of the page, they widened. It read that the charges for whoever vandalised the car were two years in prison and a ten million pay out to the family.

"We fucked up." Kayden ran a stressed hand through his hair. Everyone formed a circle either doing some hardcore thinking or being seconds away from crying. Some were laughing but it was obvious who those ones were.

"Still deserved it, that crazy bitch stabbed me." Jaxon ran a finger over his wrapped up hand and scowled at the memory.

"And she ruined my hair, again." I wondered out loud. They turned to me and I just shrugged.

It's true though.

"I have a solution." Onyx grinned, clasping his hands together like he'd just figured out the circumference of the world.

We all looked at each other. None of Onyx's ideas were ever good, most got us into more trouble than we had in the first place. This time though, we were desperate, we'd done something bad and it wouldn't be easily forgiven by our eldest brothers.

"Go on." Domino urged him to continue and he grinned even wider, if it was possible.

"It involves fire." He stated simply.

"Absolutely not." We all disagreed with a firm shake of our heads.

There was silence while we all contemplated what to do before a voice echoed from down the hall.

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