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I adjusted how my head was positioned on Rael's shoulder so I wouldn't pull a muscle in my neck and tried to get back to sleep as we drove to school

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I adjusted how my head was positioned on Rael's shoulder so I wouldn't pull a muscle in my neck and tried to get back to sleep as we drove to school.

"We're here."

I'm comfy though, I'm staying here.

"I know you're comfy but we need to get a degree in something other than sleeping." Asrael pulled me with him out of the car and I reluctantly stood up on my own, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

Wyatt and Hadley decided to make their statement by holding hands as they walked through the main doors followed by Hallie, Jaxon, Damon, me and Asrael. The others were in a different part of the school.

Almost everyone looked their way as Wyatt grinned happily like his quarterback self and Hadley strutted her stuff, basking in the stares of envy.

"Typical quarterback and head cheerleader moment." I heard someone mutter as we walked down the hall.

Asrael's arm was hung around my shoulder and Damon was texting on his phone. A freshman bumped into him, almost crying when Damon went off. Jaxon was hiding behind us from Phoebe who had become even more hostile in the last few days.

Word travels fast through the school of the rich and boring so I also heard Colin had ended up breaking two people's noses in the span of ten minutes at the connected college.

I headed to my first class, books in hand and lazily adjusted my tie when the teacher gave us the morning rant about perfect uniforms. Unfortunately Phoebe was in my class and didn't stray from sending me dirty looks whenever she had the chance.

When will she get that I don't even like Jaxon as more than a friend?

I refrained from rolling my eyes and rested my head on my books, drifting off to sleep while the teacher was talking about quotes from plays of something.

Oh to be in bed.


When I woke up it was because the teacher had slammed her hand down on the desk next to me.

I groaned and went back to sleep.

"Miss. Hunt I believe you're five minutes late for your next class." She spoke, returning to the front of the class as I heard her steps become more distant.

"That's okay miss, I'm comfy-"

"If you are more than ten minutes late for any class I will make sure none of you ever see 20." Dante glared at all of us.

I remembered his words and jumped to my feet immediately, grabbing my books and heading out of the classroom.

Once I finally made it to my next class which was with Damon I slid into the seat next to him and leant my head on his shoulder only for it to be shrugged off. I scolded him for being mean and then put my head in my hands, going to sleep that way.

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