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The colour drained from his face and he stared at me with his lips parted, not moving an inch

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The colour drained from his face and he stared at me with his lips parted, not moving an inch.

That's promising.

I think he's going to faint? Is he?

He was like that for at least a minute so I flicked his cheek and he suddenly came to his senses. A bright smile appeared on his face and I was sure he was still in shock.

"I'm going to be a dad." Rael whispered, more to himself than me.

"Wait, so, you're not mad?" I asked, still unsure.

He pulled me into a hug as soon as I uttered the question and I knew my answer. I wrapped my arms back around him tightly, letting a few tears fall.

"Of course I'm not mad. I love you and our baby. Why are you crying?" Rael furrowed his brows and I scoffed before laughing.

"I don't even know I just really want a milkshake." I muttered. He presses his lips to my forehead and I smiled softly, leaning into him.

Our moment was cut short when the doors practically flew open, banging against the wall.

"You impregnated my baby sister you motherfucker?" Damon was seething, his chest rising and falling heavily as he balled his fists up every few seconds.


Rowan was standing behind him, a sheepish smile on his face, "The asshat cornered me. He's really intimidating you know." Row huffed. I just rolled my eyes and looked back at my brother.

"Da-" Wyatt tried, coming out of the ballroom and closing the doors behind him.

"Shut up."

Wyatt visibly gulped and sent mouthed me a short apology. Asrael didn't look nervous but he was definitely alert. After all, who wouldn't be when there's a raging Damon in front of you.

"Look-" Rael tried but the mere sound of his voice set Damon off and he raised his fist, socking him in the jaw. Wyatt pulled me to his chest, a firm hold on my shoulders and I wrapped my arms around myself, not dumb enough to get between them.

I sucked in a breath when Damon tried to punch him again but Rael flipped him over, trying to restrain my brother so they didn't do anymore damage.

Damon groaned from the impact of his back hitting the ground but recovered quickly and flipped them over again, going in for another punch.

"Fucking children." Wyatt and I muttered at the same time.

Rael took the opportunity when Damon missed to land a punch and succeeded, knocking my brother back.

They both stood up only to be took back down when Damon tripped Asrael, also going down with him.

"If I hadn't witnessed this from the start I'd think they were just going at it rough." Rowan mumbled, loud enough for us to hear. Even Rael and Damon looked at him with disgust for a moment before they continued landing hits on one another.

I bounced on my heels when I saw the trail of blood from Asrael's lip and the bruise already forming around Dame's eye.

"Damon." We turned to see Nikolai closing the doors behind him and Damon stopped what he was doing at the sound of his voice.

Asrael threw his leg off Damon, standing up while Nik dragged my brother who was still cursing loudly up. He cupped the back of his neck, forcing Damon to look at him and sighed.

"You can't just fucking attack him. They're both adults, you're supposed to have a conversation. Yeah? Conversation." He spoke slowly, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips while Damon just scowled.

"Go fuck yourself." Dame folded his arms over his chest.

"Fuck me yourself-"

"That's our cue." I grabbed Rael's hand and led him inside, closely followed by Rowan and Wyatt who immediately went to get a drink because they couldn't deal with the nights events without one.

Almost everyone turned to look at Asrael whose shirt was missing a few buttons. His hair was also messy to top off the rugged look and blood was dripping onto his white shirt.

I pulled him through the crowds and finally made it to the staff kitchen. He lent back against one of the counters while I grabbed an ice pack.

I passed the pack to him and he held it against his nose, thanking me. While he did I searched through the fridge, pulling out a tub of ice cream and a strawberry milkshake.

Rael turned to look at me as I took the lid off, "Are you supposed to steal the food?"

I shrugged and sipped my shake before handing him the icecream which he gladly took, finding a spoon and hopping up on the counter. I joined him, positioning myself between his legs and resting my head on his chest.

"Life's much better now." I held the bottle in front of me, admiring how it instantly made me feel better about everything.

Rael hummed behind me, "Because of the shake or the fact your brother isn't trying to kill me any more?"

"Both." I mused, taking another sip just as Reuben walked through the door. At first I thought he was there to take his turn with Rael and sat up quickly but he just smiled.

"We're heading off, you might want to get cleaned up." He gestured to Asrael whose face still adorned traces of blood. We both nodded and I hopped off the counter. Rael ran a cloth under the tap and wiped the blood off his face, doing the same with his shirt. Not all of it came off but it wasn't noticeable anymore.

As I walked out of the gala I knew Damon hadn't told the others yet or he was too preoccupied to have the time to.

Now I just have to break the news to the most protective people in my family.

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