Chapter 29

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*Daryl's POV*

I was up bright and early and was ready to head into the tombs. This time I was going to go alone.  I was getting all my stuff when Carol appeared in front on me.

"Daryl" She said softly.

I looked up at her.


Carol took a deep breath.

"I have to talk you about Skylar. "

Instantly she had my full attention now.  If it was about Skylar I'm all ears.

"What about her?"

"Skylar is..well..."

Her sentence trailed off. I shook my head and looked at her.

'" she ain't"

My heart was going to shatter if she was dead.

"No no she's alive as far as I know.  The day of the attack.  I was with her,  she told me to go and bring back help...she might be passed out but I'm sure she's alive. I just don't remember where we were" she explained to me.

My eyes widened she didn't remember? What?!

"You didn't tell me last night?!" I yelled.

Carol took a deep breath.

"You were sleeping I-"

"I don't care you shoulda told me! I'm gunna go find her"

I walked away slinging my crossbow on my back.


*Skylar's POV*

I weakly pulled myself from then closet I couldn't sit and wait for help I had to find my way back somehow. If I didn't I was goin to die in there. I heard footsteps and opened the nearest door and went in. Thank god this dark room was clear. I hear moaning and that's how how I knew walkers were walking past me. I sat down to catch my breath I wasn't going to get far I was way to weak. I slid down the wall and pushed the door.

"Help...somebody" I said weakly.


*Daryl's POV*

I swear I searched this damn prison so many times and I couldn't find her.  I stabbed my knife into the ground repeatedly and twisted it on my finger. I watched the stupid door swing back and forth and that's when I got fed up and kicked it and then I paced around. Where the hell could she be? How could I be so stupid?  I was suppose to protect her and I couldn't even do that.  I was brought out of my thoughts as the door be game to swing again my anger flaring I yanked open the door preparing to stab a walker but stopped when I seen Skylar.

"Daryl" She said weakly.

"Oh my god"

I picked her up bridal style. She had passed out and I carried her back to the cell block. I was so grateful I found her.  Now she just needed to survive.


Hershel immediately came to see Skylar.  She was awake and Beth has brought her some food. The cut on her arm didn't need stitches but Hershel cleaned it and put bandages on it. I watched Skylar wince as the cleaner stung her cut but she stopped after a few minutes.

"Just take it easy for a while" Hershel told her.

I nodded and smiled.


"Skylar I mean it." Hershel used a fatherly tone. "Take it easy doctors orders."

I was leaning against the cell entry way and I cleared my throat and they all looked at me. That's when they got the message and gave us some privacy. I sat in front of Skylar and she met my gaze.

"Daryl I-"

That's as far as I let her get because I crashed my lips into hers and she stopped.  Her lips moved with mine and I loved the feeling of them so softly and light as a feather. I held her against me so tight that I shook.

"I was afraid"


"I thought I was going to lose you I was terrified."

I admitted that and meant it with all my heart. I cried softly into the hollow of her neck and just held her.

"Daryl you didn't lose me. I'm right here" she told me.

I moved back and looked into her eyes.

"You were gone I couldn't find you I was going crazy. I needed you in my arms. I love you Skylar you're my forever my world.  I don't want you to leave me ever."

I actually felt more tears forming and they spilled over betraying my tough guy shell.

"Just please don't leave..please"

Skylar lifted my head up so she was looking into my eyes. She wiped my tears away with her hand.

"I won't Daryl I promise."

She slid onto my lap and kissed me passionately.

Yay Skylar had been found and here we see Daryl cries in front of her. It proves that he really truly loved her and was scared. What's next in store for them?

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