Chapter 39

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(Warning: This chapter contains material that some readers may not be okay with)

*Skylar's POV*

A punch was landed to my face and I spit out blood. Fuck! I had my hands ties behind my back as I took another hit from a fist. I became angry and used my free foot to kick my attacker. It was a man I had never seen before and he just kept coming at me. He got up angry and I expected another hit but it never came.
I looked up to see The Governor was holding his arm back and looking at him.

"You're done here" he said.

Great! Now he's gunna have his way with me. It wasn't enough that I was already soaked in my own blood but now I was going to hurt even more. Daryl, Rick, where are you? I started to feel light headed. The man who had beaten me left the room and the governor looked at me and I glared.

"Let me explain. If Rick comes through on what I want, you can go no hard feelings" he said with a smirk.

"I don't believe you. My group is going to come get me, you're gunna wish you were dead" I told him.

It must have set him off when I said that because he walked closer to me but I held my ground. He leaned down so he was at eye level with me.

"I could make you wish you never said that to me"

"Do what you have to. At least after I'm dead I won't have to live with myself."

Oh come on guys please. The Governor touched my face and I kicked him causing him to double over in pain. I worked frantically to get my hands free but they were to tight. He got control of his breathing and that's when he untied me from the chair with my hands still bound and threw me on the ground. My head hit the concrete and I winced in pain and rolled onto my back. Oh my god! That's when he got on top of me. I expected him to give me repeated blows to the face. I was surprised when I only got one. But what happened after that made me squirming trying to get away. The Governor worked at the botton on my shorts. I tried to get away but he pushed me back to the ground my head hitting the pavement once again. With my hands tied I was helpless. He got off my shorts off and took me as I struggled and I screamed.


*Rick's POV*

I watched as Daryl paced on the perch angry. I know he wanted to look for Skylar and I did too but we had no idea what was out there. Everyone knows Skylar's been taken and everyone wanted to get her back. I just didn't want to get caught in something we couldn't get out of. I was trying to look out for everyone.

"Rick what if they hurt her? What if they kill her?" Maggie asked looking at me.

"I know Maggie we-"

"We can't just leave her there!" Carl yelled outraged.

I knew he loved Skylar as much as everyone else did. But we needed to keep a level head.

"Everyone calm down. We'll think of something."

"Y'all are lucky you ain't dead. That walkers through the fence was him ringing the doorbell. He could starve us out if he wanted to" Merle said looking through the cell block gate.

"Shut up"

"Let's put him in the other cell block" Beth suggested as she sat with Hershel.

"No he's right" Daryl told us.

"We are living like rats" Merle explained. "We should load up the fire power and pay the governor a visit."

"That'll make things worse. A thousand things could go wrong" Glenn said glaring.
"And they will."

"We were talking about getting Skylar back that's more important in my opinion" Michonne said breaking everyone's attention.

I know everyone wants her back so do I. I just wanted to be cautious and protect everyone too.


*Daryl's POV*

I decended down the steps angry. That was Skylar out there, who knew what was happening to her. I just don't want her to be dead.

"I'm not gunna sit here and do nothing!"

Rick put his hand on my chest. I pushed it off.


"Get your hands off me!" I yelled.

"Chill little brother" Merle told me.

I looked at him and just glared then at Rick.

"You can't go there alone Daryl. Let's wait till morning" Rick suggested.

"No! You can catch up if you want but I'm leaving. That's my girl out there I'm gunna go get her."

I loved Skylar and I needed her in my arms safe where I could keep an eye on her. Skylar always wanted to play hero and it hurt me that at that meeting I couldn't save her and she was taken. Skylar was knocked unconscious in front of me it hurt me to see her eyes roll back into her head and collapse. What pissed me off most was the governor kissed her unconscious body. I was going to get her and no one was going to stop me.


*Skylar's POV*

I cried as I layed in a puddle of me own blood. Believe me I wanted to be dead, the governor wasn't the only one who took me he had his buddies too. They had all watched and laughed making me sick. I was so humiliated I had been physically abused and raped by men. My hands had been untied and I managed to pull my underwear on. My shorts were long gone and my shirt was under my head. I looked at the bruises and cuts all over me. The governor had made a huge cut across my collar bone I used that to stop the bleeding. I layed there in my bra and underwear curled in a ball crying my eyes out.


Poor Skylar :(.
What do you think is going to happen? Will Daryl go alone and fight till the death to get Skylar? Wanna find out?
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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