Chapter 36

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*Daryl's POV *

All I wanted  to do was  talk Skylar. Hold her and show her  how sorry I was and how much I loved her. But she wouldn't  let me  get near her. She was mad and I didn't  blame her. But I wanted  Merle to he was my brother  and it was just me and him before  the world  fell apart. I walked  inside and sighed.

"What's up  baby brother?" Merle asked.


Merle chuckled.

"The broad  you are chasing  just walked  into the cell block."

I looked  at him. I didn't  like the way he just spoke about  her. Skylar  was a person,  she had a name.

"Watch the way you talk about  her" I growled.

That's  when Skylar  walked through  listening  to her headphones  and walked  right past Merle and I without a second  glance and going  outside.


*Skylar's  POV*

I was making  my way over  to the car putting  my headphones  in my pocket. Rick came up to me.

"What are you  doing?" He asked.

"I was going to load the bodies onto the truck and take em  off sight to burn them" I explained.

"I hate you going  alone" Rick told  me looking  into my eyes with a serious  expression.

"I'll  be fine okay, I won't  be going  far."

When Rick walked away  I leaned  against  the side of  the truck  looking  out into the field. I ran  a hand through  my hair and sighed. I'm so glad  Daryl was back but I was so mad I had trouble  even looking  at him. I wish I had Andy to turn to he would  know what to say. I slid down the side of the truck until my butt hit the ground and I curled up  and laid my head on my knees feeling  the heat of the sun on my back. Andy why did you have to die? Daryl why did you leave to begin with? I don't  know  how long I had been sitting  there but I heard feet approaching  and then sit next  to me. I didn't lift my head at first, I knew who it was already.  I could  smell him that familiar  earthy smell. I looked  up and just as I predicted  I was staring  into the face of Daryl  Dixon. I sighed and started  to get up but he grabbed  my hand and that made me stop. He hadn't touched me since he'd  got back I wouldn't  let him.

"Skylar  please  wait" he said softly.

I sighed and  leaned back against  the truck and ran my fingers  through  my hair.

"What?" I asked.

Daryl took  my hand and my held  it. Every part of my mind was telling  me to pull  away but  I couldn't  I missed his  touch. Even if he was only touching  my hand.

"I want to talk..."

"What's  there to talk about? You left and came  back. Simple"

Daryl sighed.

"Sky just let me explain  please. Look I'm sorry-"

"I don't  need your  apology"

I got  up and walked away. I was almost  to the prison  doors when Daryl grabbed  my arm and turned me towards  him and before I could say anything  his lips crashed into mine. I savored  the feeling  of his lips on mine. I thought  I was never going  to kiss or see him again. I kissed him back and wrapped  my arms around  his neck. Daryl's arms went around  my hips  and he pulled  me close to his  body. I pulled  away and hugged  him tight. I truly wanted  to cry, Daryl kissed the hollow of my neck.

"Skylar  I'm so sorry it's  just it was brother. I don't know what I was thinking..I love  you so much. I'm so sorry" he pulled  away and looked at me.

I leaned my head against  his chest and held him. His muscular  arms circled  me and  didn't  let me go.

"I really thought  I was never going  to see you again" I said softly.

He pulled  away and took my face in his  hands and looked  into my eyes. His eyes were so pretty  and he was just so damn good looking  and I felt like I was going  to melt like a popsicle.

"No..I won't leave  again. This is were I belong  here with everyone  and you"

I nodded and he kissed me.


I woke up the next morning  and went to get some food when I entered  Merle was awake. I hadn't  spoken to him at all, I didn't  know him and I didn't  have anything  to say to him.

"Hey sugar tits" he said with  a chuckle. 

I ignored  him and looked  through  the food for something  to eat.

"Hello? I said  hi" Merle  said  walking up touching  my arm.

Instantly  I reached  back grabbing  his wrist  and spinning bending  his wrists  back and he was almost on his knees. Wincing  in pain,

"Don't  touch me" I said with  a glare.

I let go of his  hand wrist and turned  away.

"What's  your  problem  girl?"

"You are!"

My tone was harsh towards  him and I didn't  care.

"Oh is that so? You hate me  because  I stole  my brother  who's  your  boyfriend  away from you. Newsflash  my brother  is important  to me."

I scuffed and rolled my eyes.

"From what you seen you aren't  a very good brother  to him.  Daryl is nice and caring  and you,  you're  just an asshole. I love Daryl. I understand  his leaving  with you if it had been my brother  I would've  left too. But in the short  time you've  been here I can tell. You don't  care about  anyone  but yourself."

I walked away and outside into the sun.  And  seen people  getting  ready to leave,

"Where's  everyone  going?"

"Meeting  with the govenor" Rick explained. 

I raised my eyebrows.

"You're  seriously going  to meet with this guy?"

"Yeah and I want you to come. But Daryl made it clear you stay with him the entire  time" Rick  explained.

I looked over at Daryl who was at his  motorcycle  and went over to him.

Well Daryl and Skylar  are alright  now and Skylar  doesn't  like Merle at all. Was it  really  because  he was a jerk? Or was she mad about  him taking  Daryl  away from her? Let's  see how the meeting  with the govenor  goes. Stay tuned.

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