Chapter 38

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*Skylar's POV*

I screamed  and struggled.

"Let me go!!"

The govenor  had  my on my  knees with a gun aimed at my head. Rick couldn't  help seeing  as he had a gun to his head. That's  when Daryl came running  up and stopped.


*Daryl's  POV*

My heart stopped at the  sight  Skylar  and Rick had a gun to their  hand. I charged  my crossbow  aimed.

"Let go of them! LET GO OF HER!!" I screamed.

"I wouldn't  do that Daryl. Not unless  you want  them to die" The govenor  said.

I heard the gun click which meant it was  ready to fire.

"Daryl don't  just stop" Skylar  told me.

My heart was breaking  and it killed  me I couldn't  do anything about  it. That's  when guns got aimed at my head.

"Drop the crossbow and get on your knees"

"Good work  Martinez" The Governor  said.

So the man who I had been arguing  with his name was Martinez. I'll keep  that in mind.

"Daryl" Rick said down on his knees.

I didn't  move from my current position  my eyes are locked on the governor  who had a gun to Skylar's  head.

"Drop it and get on  your knees or she dies" he told me.

I looked into Skylar's tearful eyes and she was pleading  with me  but in silence. I sighed  dropping  my crossbow  and got down on to my knees. Everything  was silent  and  Skylar  was looking  at me before she got  a gun to the back of the head and was out cold. I scrambled  for my crossbow  and Rick tried  to struggle  but guns were aimed again.  The govenor  picked her up  bridal style and I wanted  to shoot him and kill him.

"Our deal stands if you want  her back" said the governor  as he kissed  Skylar's  forhead.

"Don't  touch her don't  you dare!!!!"

The men got into their car and drove away with  an unconscious Skylar in the backseat.


I started  to run but Rick grabbed  me.

"Let me go!"

"Daryl stop" he told me.

"We need to go get  her!" I yelled in his face.

"We need to get back."

I glared  there was no way he was going  just leave her there? I was going  to go get her.  That was my whole world  and I wanted  her back.

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Sorry it's  short again  but here's  another  update

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