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"Are you single and ready to mingle? Perhaps  you're looking for a lovely companion? Worry no more for Love Craft & Co. has the perfect solution for your loneliness."

I raised a brow as various dolls appeared on the screen along with the well-dressed man. The scent of old fabric and cookies filled the room as I snacked, leaning comfortably on the couch.

"Presenting, the new dolls of ages! Customized by you and handcrafted by the finest dollmakers in town. Fear less of people not wanting you when you can have a doll to yourself!"

"Official release starts tomorrow at prices $100-$150. Create your own and get ready to welcome them home. Visit the website for more details."

I scoffed. Turning the TV off, I straightened up. The sun was setting outside my window; another boring day wasted due to my boring personality.

"Who buys a doll to want them?" I took my phone. "No one. Not even a psycho."

My fingers mindlessly typed Love Craft's website in no time. I found myself scrolling through a wide variation of pre-ordered models. I clicked on a male one. He looks fair enough for me. If he were a real guy, I would totally go out with him.

"Heh. I bet he wouldn't go out with some old-fashioned lady, would he?"

I checked the price. $130. Pretty cheap.

"Y/N," I sighed. "Come on, you're not buying this. Don't be desperate."

But I clicked 'purchase' anyways. I came across a new tab; it says 'customize'. It showed me options for the doll's physical and emotional characteristics. I frowned.

"This guy's already fine. Why the heck would I change him?" I mumbled, typing. "Let's see.."

I kept his default features as is but I took time personalizing his traits. I pondered. Since no one really takes me seriously for being 'behind the time' and 'granny'-ish, I wanted this doll to see me as someone so precious. Even for a doll, I want him to understand my preferences and whatnot. Someone to get me. Someone who's going to treat me right. Someone perfect.

"Like he's coming alive," I laughed and confirmed the order.

**Thank you for your purchase! Your lover will be home in a few days!**

"Yeah. Lover."

I tossed my phone away and stood. God, have I been that desperate that I rely on a company for the sake of my hopeless romantic-ness? I went to my room. A full mirror on the wall faced me with my reflection staring back in disgust.

I grimaced. "Look at you."

Long lacy dress, frizzy hair, thick glasses, chapped lips, blemished face, and a sucker for old, vintage shit. No wonder why I'm the center of the circus. I'm way behind the others, sure. I thought about the doll. His red hair, fair complexion, big doe eyes, plump lips. Oh my; just standing next to him makes me feel unworthy.

"But he'll love you for sure." I told my reflection. "Of course. He was made for that."

𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now