05 : 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖢𝗋𝖺𝖿𝗍 & 𝖢𝗈.

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[Third Person's POV]

Incoming call..


Y/N stirred and rolled as the soft tune of her phone rang through the morning air. She threw an arm over her eyes, keeping them from the blinding sunshine seeping through the open windows. She felt for her side; Taehyun was gone.


Drowsiness drained from within as she hastily sat up. Her squinty eyes looked around the room. Without her glasses, she couldn't see very well but she was sure not to spot the lad's silhouette.

"Taehyun?" She called.

"Taehyun, where are you?"

Incoming call..


She brought the phone close to her face to press answer before sticking it to her ear. She leaned back on the headboard, bored.


"Sheesh, what took you so long to answer?"

"I just woke up, Ria.." Y/N yawned. "What to do want..?"

"What do you mean what do I want? Come over, fool. I missed you."

"I'm sorry, but this early?" She scoffed. "No, Ri. You're crazy."

"It's almost noon, Y/N. Jesus Christ what granny-old things did you do last night?"

Y/N raised her brow and felt around for her glasses. "Almost noon?"

"God, Y/N. You sound so spaced out. You good or what?"

"Kinda fucked up but I'm okay." She huffed. "I can't find my glasses."

Ria grunted on the other line. "Whatever. Just come, okay? I got something for you."

Call ended.

"Knock, knock," a voice called from the doorway. "Good morning, princess!"

Taehyun's silhouette came to her blurry view. He was holding something as he approached her. Y/N fidgeted; she couldn't find her eyewear.

"What's the problem, Y/N?" Taehyun frowned, placing a tray on the nightstand.

"My glasses. Have you seen them?"

"Oh," he smiled. "I put them by the vanity. Let me get it for you."

She settled and watched as Taehyun waddled to a smaller mirror. He took her glasses and ran back to her, crouching down to wear it on her face. Y/N adjusted the rim, eyes blinking only to see Taehyun staring at her with a wide beam. She playfully shoved his face away.

𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now