15 : 𝖦𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖦𝗂𝗋𝗅

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Y/N tossed and turned under the covers. She felt uncomfortable with the sudden heat, not realizing that the rays of the afternoon sun were hitting her face from the bare window.

"Taeh.." She sighed, refusing to open her eyes. "My head.. Hmm.. Shit.."

Feeling her side, Taehyun's spot was empty. He wasn't in bed with her. She slowly heaved herself up, back collapsing to the headboard while she massaged her temples. Her head was pounding as if an elephant had stomped on it. She felt sick too. Fluttering her eyes open, her surroundings were blurry. Of course, she had to come to a club without contacts. It was a mere surprise that she still managed to come home with a terrible eyesight.


"Where are you..?"

"Hello..? Ow.. Fuck.."

She looked to her side. Her good old glasses sat on top of the nightstand, all waiting to be worn. Without a choice, she did. Vision now 20/20, she sprung up.

"Damn it.. I told Ria to drive me home.." She mumbled, recalling stuffs. "I didn't walk my way here, did I.. Fuck.. Fuck.."

She was about to go to the door when she passed by the tall mirror. She caught glimpse of herself. Messy hair, wrinkled party dress, smeared makeup, and those thick glasses she's never worn in a while. Y/N stepped closer, observing her state.

"Hmm." She plaited her clothes. "I look like a grandma. A good old grandma trying to look young, mm."

Y/N instinctively stripped down her dress and got a rather lose shirt from the wardrobe to put it on over sweatpants. She removed her makeup, allowing her bare face to breathe from all the cream and powder it had been through. She didn't bother to brush her hair. She just put it up into a bun. She exited the room.

"Taehyunie..? Ah, fuck stop thumping.." She hissed, hitting her forehead.

The apartment was quiet. Judging from how the sunlight entered her place, it was already noontime or possibly past it. She rushed to the kitchen, hoping to see Taehyun cook. It was empty. She checked some other rooms but he wasn't there either. Finally, she headed to the living room.

"Taehyun.." She breathed.

There he was, standing. His back was facing her as he was staring down into something in his hands. He was still, as if he was frozen. Y/N carefully approached him. When she got close enough, she found a photo of them in a frame. He was clutching on it. There were teardrops on the glass. That was when she realized that he was crying.

𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now