11 : 𝖲𝗎𝖽𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝖲𝗁𝗂𝖿𝗍

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[Taehyun's POV]

I have a problem.

See, two weeks have flown by. My relationship with Y/N's fine; but my girl doesn't seem so.

It wasn't that I'd find her crying again. It wasn't that she'd talk bad stuff about herself either. In fact, she's changed. Her confidence soared, she looked better, she started going out more often, and she found probably two or three new friends- which weren't a problem, really.

I don't know..

It was like I woke up to a new Y/N one day and I wasn't so used to her changes. Her dresses were shorter and tighter, more trendy I must say. She learned how to use makeup. She even skips meals that I'd often make. Is it bad that I found it weird? Am I being too pessimistic?

"Yeah, yeah. I wore that peach dress I bought weeks ago, Ria."

Turning from the kitchen, I saw Y/N come out of our room. She was talking to Ria again like how she would these past few days. She was all dressed up in a new outfit, purse in her hands.

"Of course!" She giggled. "I'm off to see you now. It's my treat this time, don't fuss."

"Hey!" I called. "Good morning, darling!"

"Mm, likewise." She replied. "What? Oh, no nothing. Just someone. Mhm, I'm out."

"Strolling with Ria again?" I asked, putting pancakes on a plate. "It's quite early for you two though."

"Yeah, we have to come as early as possible to witness the opening of her cousin's boutique. I promised her new clothes anyways."

Y/N went to the fridge. Upon opening, dozens to dozens of fruit juices appeared before her since she had just started filling them in about a week ago. She picked one and headed straight to the door.

"Wait!" I panicked. "Y/N, don't go yet!"

She turned, brow raised. "Yes?"

I looked at the breakfast I just cooked. "Aren't you gonna eat something..? I made this for you.."

She came up to me, smiling. "Aww, Taehyun."

"Please?" I batted my lashes. "Just a bite or two?"

"I appreciate your efforts but you know I don't eat much nowadays. Gotta lose that belly." She patted her stomach. "You can have it, I'm fine."

"But Y/N.. Can I at least come with you?"

She laughed. "What are you gonna do there anyways? Don't worry, Taehyun. I'll be home before dinner, I promise."

"Before dinner? That's too long-"

"Are my contacts okay?" She opened her eyes wide for me to see. "They're not uneven or anything?"

𝖣𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 | 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇Where stories live. Discover now