The Arrival

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I'm Olivia. Olivia Black. Sirius Black is my second uncle but my family hasn't talked to him for years, still, everyone immediately thinks of him the moment I drop my last name in front of new people. And the situation with our dear uncle escaping from Azkaban became too dangerous for our family so we had to leave our hometown in the south of England.

Lots of people wanted us dead and my dad keeps believing the Ministry of Magic wanted it as well. So we traveled about 400 miles and here we are: in the middle of the Highlands of Scotland.

Today is going to be our first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. My parents chose this place because of our connections to the Malfoy's who live here. Their son Draco visits Hogwarts as well.

Let's see if this school is really as good as it is popular. I believe that everyone knows about Hogwarts of course no least due to the fact that the most powerful wizard Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter, the boy who lived are members of this school.
Our family is greatly respected in the wizardry world and we brought out some powerful wizards.

"Liv! Oh my gosh!" My sister Samantha pinches my arm. "Look there. Can you see that? The description they gave us wasn't even half as pretty as this is. Wow! Alex do you see that? IT'S INSANE!" Alexander is our little brother who will have his first year at Hogwarts. I'm in sixth year and I have already sent an owl to Dumbledore who assured us we would be able to take the classes we took at Wethsea which was our old school.

To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of this school, the Quidditch team is nothing but bad and I've heard the exact opposite of that in connection with the Hogwarts team so I'm really looking forward not to be the only good member in my team which definitely wasn't hard to be.

Anyways, I'm curious about the houses everyone's talking about. There are four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. You get sorted into one of them concerning your weaknesses and strengths. I think every house would be nice but I believe I'd get sorted in either Gryffindor or Slytherin because everyone in our family who went to Hogwarts were in either one of them.

The train we sit in isn't full so it's very quiet except for my sister who wouldn't stop enthusing about the Highlands as if she's never been to Scotland before. Alexander stays silent which isn't untypical for him so I just start looking at the hills thinking about our old friends and our old house. The pink walls in my room and all the picture with my important people and the sun rays... I should stop.

Our dad actually wanted us to leave the continent and stay undercover in Australia but I could convince him to stay in Great Britain by telling him how powerful Hogwarts' headmaster Dumbledore is. He can give us the protection we need and even Harry Potter visits this school so it must be safe.

I actually don't really care about Hogwarts I just don't want to leave the UK since I would get so homesick and I think it's bad enough to be forced to cut off any kind of contact to your old life and having to start a completely new one not knowing anything. I sigh.

Samantha looks at me. She smiles. "Mom sent me an owl and wished us good luck for our first day of school. So cute. What's wrong, Olivia?", she asks me pulling her eyebrows together. "It'll be so much fun! Wethsea have never done anything like a BALL or even a PARTY! I mean can you believe that we're going to go to a party?"

Even though I couldn't really understand her euphoria I grin. "Did ya know the Malfoy's do the best galas?" "Are you serious? Everyone knows that they are famous! What do you think - will we be invited?" Sam's eyes light up. We look at each other and start laughing. As if we get invited to the priciest party from the richest family in this country even though I have to admit our chances aren't non-existing.

Olivia BlackWhere stories live. Discover now