An Invitation

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It's been a few weeks since I've arrived at Hogwarts and I actually really like it here. The Quidditch team is cool too but since Scorpio Malfoy and I are both chasers for Slytherin I have to talk to him more than I'd like to. He's still extremely annoying and arrogant but we'll have our first match in one month and I know he's not worth spending negative thoughts on.

I also don't have the time for that because I'm already way too excited. Fred told me that he'd nearly died throughout a duel between Gryffindor and Slytherin about one year ago but I'm not sure if I should believe him or not. George suggested I should punch Malfoy in his face the next time he says something against half-bloods but since he didn't I unfortunately had no opportunity to do so.

"If the Malfoy's weren't Death Eaters I would play some of our best tricks on 'em actually", George says. We sit in the secret room on the dark red and vintage-looking coaches with lost of colorful pillows on them together with Fred drinking black tea. My cup is very pretty and I really wonder why the Weasley's have such beautiful and old stuff.

"Death Eaters? But I thought You-Know-Who's dead...", I say and even though I try not to, I shiver. Voldemort? Just imagining he might be back creeps me out. I watch Fred and George carefully. They look at each other.

"Yeah, he's probably dead", George answers and Fred continues. "- but, once Death Eater, always Death Eater." "- they're planning something, no doubt!" Both of them grin. I'm sure they exaggerate. As they always do. I decide to talk to Sophie because she told me about her family and that Bellatrix Lestrange is technically her aunt even though they're not related. Back then, I was terrified but it's actually funny.

Bellatrix Lestrange's cousin is Sirius Black and since he is my second uncle, Sophie and I are kind of part of one family. That is cool even though these famous names aren't really famous for positive things since Sirius Black is a serial killer who escaped from Azkaban and Bellatrix Lestrange was a Death Eater, too.

If Fred and George's theories are true ("once Death Eater, always Death Eater") she is probably still on the evil side. The Black's are just as the Malfoy's famous for being extremely discriminating against witches and wizards with another bloodstatus like half-blood or muggleborn.

Of course my parents, siblings and I are absolutely against this stupid mindset. Nearly every wizard family has muggles in them. These theories don't make any sense at all and I'm very glad that the Weasley's think the same way. That is actually something I don't like about Slytherin. The sorting hat will barely put people into Slytherin if they are muggleborn and because of that other students are constantly judging me and the other Slytherins. It's annoying.

Yesterday I got an invitation to the Malfoy's manor. They'll apparently have a party or something like that this weekend and because of what Fred and George just said I'm kinda scared it would turn out to be a meeting of a cult of Death Eaters who want to push me to the Dark Side because - we remember - I'm a more or less pure-blood witch being in Slytherin so I'm probably the best choice for the cult. At least in their opinion. But I also don't want to know what would happen if I didn't come to the party.

"What d'you think? Maybe with these big red bubbles, right? Livvy, what d'you think?" Fred looks at me with eager eyes. I shake my head. Because of all my thoughts I absolutely didn't get what Fred and George were talking about all the time. "Uhm... yeah, yeah, sounds good?", I stutter and gave him an unsure glance. Fred laughs. "Look, she didn't even listen." "- apparently not", George agrees. "Guys I'm very sorry, honestly." Both of them laugh and start talking about the joke shop they want to open.

I know my behaviour is rude. I also haven't told them about my invitation, yet because I know they've great stereotypes towards Slytherins and especially those that are called Malfoy. I mean I can understand them. Scorpio's behaviour is very annoying and everything but he's not a Death Eater just because of being arrogant. Fred and George wouldn't understand. It's the same with Jack. I really like him and even though they try to encourage me I see the judgement in their eyes just because he's a Zabini. I'm happy he's at least a Hufflepuff because otherwise the twins would've probably stopped talking to me.

I always tell them that I'm a Slytherin too and even a Black and that I'm still their friend but they usually just answer with a joke about not mixing "races" or something like that. They just don't want to listen to me. At least Fred admitted that Jack's funny but he believes he is way too elegant for me. "Alas, Miss Black. Would you mind going out of my way, please? Since I have my own castle I would be enlighted to see you there, you graceful woman." I told him that Jack would never talk like that but Fred and George just laughed at me and said I should go dream about my prince.


I know the longer I wait to tell them about the invitation the worse it will be to actually do it. They'll judge me anyway. I look at them. They're intensely discussing which face should appear on the advertisement for their shop. I pull myself together. They won't kill you, Olivia. I sigh. "Guys", I begin and Fred and George instantly look at me. "So yesterday an owl brought me..." "- A LOVE LETTER!", Fred screams. "I knew it. So Jack isn't just the guy with the castle, is he?"


"Fred!", I shout back. "Dammit. No. I got an invitation." "To what?", George asks interested. I take a deep breath. "Well... to... the Malfoy party." I look at them unsure what to say.

Fred's jaw drops. George gasps. Oops. I was wrong. They will kill me. I slowly stand up. I've never seen them that surprised. I walk towards the door.

"Okay then, I'll... y'know, just go. Umm, see ya soon." Fred jumps onto his feet. "No, no, no." "- stop. You'll stay here", George makes clear and both of them walk straight towards me.

"Everything's fine, boys. Imma just y'know leave", I answer and my hand reaches out for the handle. Fred holds my arm. I can see the confusion in his eyes. "Are you scared or what?" The twins pull their eyes together.

"Olivia, you didn't do anything." George laughs. "D'you think we kill you because of an invitation?"

Fred blinks with his right eye. "See, you go to that party and do some research for the three of us. You could for example find out if they're really Death Eaters", Fred says under is breath and grins at George who's definitely enthusiastic about that idea, too.

I try to smile. I'm not sure if that's really a good idea but at least they're not mad at me.
author's note: thank y'all for 100 followers and over 250 reads!!! i love each and every single one of you and i'm more than happy that people are reading my book. it's been only 2 weeks since i've uploaded chapter 1 and all of you are just so very sweet. i'm so thankful for having this community ❤️
please lemme know who's your favourite character!

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