The Room of Secrets

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"Finally!", Fred shouts and whistles from the other side of their secret room as I walk in. "Nice outfit." It looks as he tries some charms to get music out of a very old-looking and huge thing that has some similarities with a music box in the right corner of the room. I try to grin back. Tonight, you will have fun and don't you dare ruining it by thinking about that person on that greenfield, I tell myself and recognize the other people in the room.

Lee Jordan - a close friend of the twins - and Cedric Diggory are sitting on a hand-made carpet with a friendly-looking and pretty attractive guy who must be Jack Zabini. Everyone in this room drinks beer except for Jack who has a glass of wine in his hand. He seems to be very elegant to me.

Because I did my research the day before I found out that the Zabini's are also one of the last wizarding families just like the Weasley's, Malfoy's and Black's. Jack has a younger brother Blaise Zabini who is a Slytherin, too while Jack himself is a Hufflepuff just like Cedric. Both of them are one year older than I am.

I hope Jack isn't into that whole blood theory thing. I still don't understand why people are really thinking they're better than anyone else just because the members of their family fell in love with the right people.

"Hi everyone, what's up?", I say and smile. The three guys on the carpet turn their heads around to say hello. "You must be Olivia Black", Lee mentions. He looks at Cedric. Jack looks at me giving me a bit of a smile. "The Weasley's said you made fun of Snape... " Jordan glances at me. "Is that true? Because if so... not bad for a Slytherin I guess." The way he talks really reminds me of Fred and George. Another thing I can't understand is the problem everyone has with my house and my name... Maybe I should have a serious dialogue with the sorting hat. It seems like being in every other house makes your life so much easier.

But before I could answer Fred laughs. "Of course it's true. What you think? Have we ever lied to you?"
"Well, actually yes but I think we should show Olivia how to party at Hogwarts, right?", Lee suggests and the others start laughing. "Great idea", I suddenly hear a voice behind me saying. I turn around and see George standing in the door with his arm leant against the frame.

"George", I say. "Yes?", the other twin answers from the other side of the room. What? But that's Fred, I think pulling my eyebrows together.

"No need to worry, Olivia", Lee tells me. "I've known them for years and still can't tell who's who." I know I'm probably not able to hide my confusion but I was sure that one in the corner was Fred. The only reason I've always been able to know who's been George and who's been Fred was their different postures. Fred always has a more confident attitude than George. I wonder how I could mistake them with each other and that in front of new people. That's really embarassing.

I uncertainly look at Fred - I mean George - who's still standing far away in the right corner of the room. As I examine him more closely I believe to see a bit of a smirk on his face. The whole room becomes silent.

Again, the Weasley twins fooled me, didn't they? I grin looking at Fred - the one in the corner. "Nice try", I say turning around. "... George." Everyone starts laughing.

"Well, it took you a sec, Livvy." Fred won't ever stop making fun of my name. Livvy... I wonder why. "Don't you dare doing that ever again you two", I laugh and bash George's stomach. Suddenly music starts playing. "Finally!", Fred shouts and walks towards George and me.

He lays one of his arms around my and the other around George's shoulder and looks down to me as he talks. "I got the best stuff" - Fred's look fixes his twin, again for a quick and strange moment, before he looks back at me. Now he nearly whispers. "Call me god I got something out of Professor Snape's labour."

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