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I didn't find Harry Potter the day before and decided it isn't my priority to do so. Sooner or later he will walk past by me and I won't faint immediately when seeing him (plus the second youngest Weasley Ronald is his Best Friend so if I really wanna find him Fred and George will show him to me).

My first night in the Slytherin dorm was kinda depressing since all of the other sixth years already seem to be friends with each other and I felt weird talking to some of the students that are in year seven or eight.

Actually, I believe the hat sorted me into the wrong house. I should be in Gryffindor with the Weasley's and my siblings but anyways. The house isn't everything so I try to focus on the positive which doesn't seem to be a thing the average Slytherin would do. Nevermind.

Today's going to my first class with Professor Snape. I'm really looking forward to Defence Against the Dark Arts since it's always been my best subject. But History of Magic and Muggle Studies is also quite interesting. I'm feeling like I have zero knowledge about muggle's so the latter might be teaching me more than it did at Wethsea. Don't look back, I say myself and put on my robes and a little bit of make-up.

After I got ready I leave through the Slytherin common room which is super awkward because a group of very handsome guys sitting in the right corner of the room observe me intensely. I guess they're probably in senior year and pass by. Why do guys always have to stare like that? I open the door repeating the password in my head.

I'm more than glad Samantha gave me a copy of a plan of the whole school the day before which she had gotten from Luna Lovegood who seems to be an angel. Being honest I couldn't be more grateful for this because otherwise I would've definitely come about ten minutes too late to Snape's class.

Nobody wants that. George had already warned me that I shouldn't mess with him since he can get (in his words) "what I'd call abusive". Luckily I arrive just on time and take a seat next to an insanely beautiful girl with long dark red hair that looked like copper. Her green eyes gaze at me and she smiles. "Hi, I'm Sophie LeStrange."

I'm sure I've heard the name 'LeStrange' before but I couldn't remember in which connection I did. What makes me relax a lot more is Sophie telling me she's also new at Hogwarts and a Slytherin. Even though it's her first lesson Defence Agains the Dark Arts at the new school, too she's already been here for a few days.

The moment I want to ask her why she moved we suddenly hear a loud clap. It takes us a few moments until we realize it was the door from which Professor Snape comes with huge steps into the room. Everyone becomes instantly silent so the whole room gets filled with an oppressive atmosphere. It's getting colder and darker and I shiver. What did George mean with 'abusive'? Will he beat us? Relax, I tell myself. He's only a teacher.

Snape's black robes wave behind him. The moment he arrives at the desk he suddenly turns around to observe every student. Breathe. He won't kill you. It's fine. Without saying hello he suddenly starts talking to Sophie about some typical spells. You can tell by the way he speaks that he likes her. No doubt she's nice but still, I'm surprised. He nearly smiles. Weird.

Out of nothing Snape continues observing us when our eyes meet. I gaze back. Snape sighs. "Miss Black." A mumur goes through the crowd. Why does he know my name? Sitting just in front of Snape's desk I feel the starring looks from my schoolmates in my back. I actually had a much nicer picture of my first lesson at Hogwarts in my head but the name 'Black' seems to really bother people.

Snape clears his throat. Everyone gets silent. "Someone famous again, I see. Sirius Black's your father?" It doesn't sound like a question. "Excuse me but no, Profe-" "Shut your mouth, Miss Black. If I don't say you're allowed to talk. You. Will. Not. Talk. Is that clear?"

Eh excuse me? What's wrong with him? "If that is clear to you, I asked, Miss Black", he repeats slowly. My mouth drops. Sophie pinches me. She definitely wants to signal me to just do what he wants me to. I dart a glance at her. Still, she's probably true. I shouldn't reinforce the negative stereotypes everyone appearantly has when it comes to the name Black.

I look at Snape who's nasty look fixes me and everyone can tell how angry he is. I nod. Snape immediately relaxes his shoulders. "Well then, maybe you can tell us what the three most important spells throughout a battle are if you don't wanna be sent to Azkaban like your relative Sirius Black was." Again, the whole class starts to whisper.

He can't be serious. I gaze at him. That is definitely enough. "I thought I'm not allowed to talk. Well, how should I answer the question then?", I spit. "Well, Miss Black. You're now allowed to speak", Snape says calmly. Such a strange person, such a strange behaviour. I take a deep breathe.

"Great. First of all there's the Stupefy spell that is very useful throughout a battle and then maybe the Sectumsempra and Expelliarmus spell." Snape nods "Maybe not just a pretty face and a famous name..." and turns around to write all of them at the blackboard. I sigh and look at Sophie who grins and whispers "What a show, Liv. I don't think anyone has ever... ya know?"

After class, Sophie and I walk through the hallway to our common room. I'm happy to have found another Slytherin who's cool. "You're so badass, Olivia! I still can't believe that you've done that! You should've looked at Professor Snape's face oh my!"

Sophie is way too impressed. Snape's face wasn't that funny. Actually, he hates me more than anyone else and I fucked up. I sigh. It's so annoying and I'm not even able to listen to Sophie who literally goes on and on about the way his face looked and how surprised he was. Suddenly she stops.

"Oh. My", she breathes. I follow her glance. "Soph what's wro -" I pause. The hottest guy I've ever seen comes towards our way. Tall, ripped and moonlight blond, messy hair. His greyish blue eyes meet mine for just a second.

I've never seen someone rocking these school uniforms the way he does. "Oh my gosh he looks so good!" Sophie's appearantly found her voice back. I blink. Who am I? A twelve - year- old or what? Pull yourself together, Olivia.

"Ehm, who's that?", I whisper. "That is Scorpio Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy's son. He's in our year!", she murmurs back. "Aren't you guys related?" She looks at me. "I mean don't get me wrong you're really pretty too but - " I grin "- not that pretty, right? And no if he's really not Narcissa's son we're not." We look back at him. He's just nice to look at.

A big group of other Slytherin's follows him through the hallway. He walks straight up to us. Even though I'm normally absolutely not nervous around guys since I'd a lot guy friends at Wethsea I swallow.

Malfoy looks at me "Miss Black, right?", he starts with a nice voice. "Well you can tell just looking at the dark hair." I glance at him having to look up. "Mister Malfoy, right? You can tell just looking at the light hair", I replied sarcastically and immediately recognize he doesn't like my answer.

One of these guys again. He's probabaly one of that kind thinking he gets anyone he wants to get. Scorpio pulls his eyebrows together. "Outta my way. Please." The 'please' sounds like an order. Is he serious? I look at his friendgroup. A battle in the hallway? Not a good idea. Snape would kick me outta Hogwarts.

"Your majesty", I said and slide to the right. Scorpio struts past by me, his head up. Sophie looks at me. "Did ya just? Oh my great Lord, Olivia!" I sigh. "Let's be honest Soph, he totally is an asshole. The way he talked to me is an absolute no-go and I don't need his appreciation and you don't need his either", I clarify.

He is such an arrogant person and just because he looks good he shouldn't be treaten as if he was nice. "Olivia. The Malfoy's run this school you can't just offend one of them and think there won't be consequences." Sophie is way too dramatic. "The only thing I really wonder is why he knew my name."

Olivia BlackWhere stories live. Discover now