I know I'm clingy
I know I follow
I know I talk too much
But can't you just understand
I just like having friends
Why do you pretend
to be my friend
I know you’re not
I know you’re annoyed by me
I know you hate my clingyness
If that’s even a word
I try to have friends
I try to take a step back
I try to pretend
Two can play this game
But that's not me
I will forever have
And Awkward written on my face
Please look past that and not pretend like me
Like me.
The annoying girl
In the Dark
PuisiI write poems when I can't sleep. I bleed my mind. These poems are unedited, and written in the dark. Some poems are free verse, and some I wrote with a clear rhyming pattern. In some poems, I tried. But I surprise my self sometimes.