Little Princess Or Little Prince?

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    "I'm so nervous," Evie told Uma once they had made it to the appointment and were now sitting in the exam room waiting on the doctor. "Why are you nervous," Uma asked Evie, not understanding why she would be so nervous about an appointment.

"Because what if there are complications or what if something happened to it! What if I lose that baby! What if ..." Evie rambled out, but she was stopped by Uma who was getting annoyed by Evie's over reacting and worrying.

"Evie relax! If anything you freaking out is gonna make things worse. Your baby is gonna be fine. Now just relax alright princess," Uma told Evie who just nodded as she calmed down a little bit.

"Okay yeah you're right Uma. I'm just being way too paranoid," Evie told Uma who nodded as she hugged Evie a little. "Yup that's why you need me to help keep you grounded," Uma told Evie, making her laugh as she hugged Uma back.

"Yeah and you need me to help keep you in Auradon," Evie playfully told Uma, making Uma laugh as they just held each other for a few more minutes until the door opened as the doctor entered making them quickly break the hug.

"Aw Miss Queen! Long time no see huh? Oh and who is this," the doctor told Evie playfully, making Evie laugh as she looked at the doctor. "Yeah I know right! And this is Uma she's like my sister," Evie told the doctor, making both the doctor and Uma smile as Uma tried to hide it.

"Oh I see, well is it okay if you waited outside for a little bit for more privacy," the doctor told Uma who nodded as she got up. "Yeah sure, but don't make me regret it," Uma told the doctor as she hugged Evie one more time before leaving the room.

"Alright Miss Queen you know the drill. Lift your shirt up so I can put the gel on!" The doctor told Evie who laughed a little as she lifted up her shirt.

"Okay that's cold! I keep forgetting how weird this feels," Evie told the doctor, making her laugh a little as she placed the wand on Evie's stomach.

"Yeah but it'll warm up and this is still early in your appointments you'll get more used to it," the doctor told Evie back making Evie laugh a little as she nodded. "Yeah that's true. Wow it still amazes me every time I see that!" Evie told the doctor in amazement as she watched the screen with her baby again.

Evie couldn't believe she really had a baby inside of her. It was so surreal, but the more Evie thought about it the more excited Evie felt about it all. The doctor just watched Evie as she couldn't help but smile.

She knew Evie was young and she knew that she didn't know the story of anything, but she couldn't help but smile seeing how excited Evie was to become a mom and how happy she looked every time she saw an image of the baby on the screen.

It was clear the young teen loved her baby already and although the girl was young it was obvious she was going to make a good mother and that made the doctor smile knowing that.

"Yeah it is an amazing thing! Isn't it," The doctor told Evie who smiled before getting a little concerned as she noticed the size of her baby as she couldn't help but worry. "It looks kinda small though is that normal?" Evie asked the doctor who smiled a little as she nodded.

"Don't worry your daughter is pretty healthy," the doctor told Evie, making Evie nod in understanding before she realized what the doctor said as she looked up in shock. "Wait did you say daughter!" Evie asked in shock and disbelief as she wasn't sure if she had heard that right.

The doctor just laughed as she pointed to the screen. "Yes that is exactly what I said," the doctor told Evie, making Evie start crying tears of joy as she was going to be getting a little princess like she had always wanted.

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