The Joys Of Progress

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    "Evie you have to sleep," Evie heard making her jump as she had been drifting in and out of consciousness. Ever since her babies had been born and immediately rushed to the NICU she just couldn't sleep. She was too afraid that if she did something would happen and she would get a call.

She also couldn't stop doing research and worrying about everything. She was only 16 and already in so much debt and stress. She had no clue how she was going to pay for all the medical bills, the food, and the baby supplies.

And her school work was tanking too. She just couldn't seem to find the motivation to do any work right now and everything was still hurting from her c section.

"Evie, did you hear me?" Uma called out as she waved her hand in front of her friend's face then grabbed a thing of water as Evie was really starting to worry her. She knew Evie was struggling. She was struggling herself and she wasn't even the mom of the triplets, she was just their aunt.

It hurt seeing the three babies so tiny and vulnerable. She couldn't even imagine what Evie was feeling being their mommy but she also knew that Evie was barely even sleeping, barely eating, and barely focusing on anything. Which wasn't healthy and it scared her.

Uma just sighed as she looked at her friend who was zoning out again. She didn't want to do this but Evie was giving her no choice as Uma just grabbed a bucket of water and dumped it on Evie.

Evie just jumped as she had been deep in her thoughts again making Uma laugh as she just couldn't help it. "Why did you do that!" Evie cried out as she began to shake from the freezing cold water.

"Sorry princess, you just scared me. I tried to get your attention for like 20 minutes and you didn't even budge," Uma told Evie who just groaned as she got up and changed.

"Sorry I've just been kinda stressed lately," Evie told Uma who nodded in understanding. "You want to ditch school?" Uma asked Evie who just looked at her in shock.

"You mean like just not go to school at all! That's horrible!" Evie cried out, making Uma roll her eyes as she looked at her friend.

"I mean to see the babies!" Uma told Evie as she could see how horrified Evie looked at the possibility of skipping school. Evie had been given a few weeks off to recover but she had never once actually ditched school before.

"Can't we get in trouble for that?" Evie asked her friend, making Uma laugh before realizing Evie was serious.

"Oh you're not kidding. Evie we're villain kids! We literally came from the Isle which was basically a prison. And you're scared of ditching to go see your sick babies in the NICU. That are there because of these people!" Uma practically screamed out as she couldn't believe Evie was really afraid of some stupid Auradon people when she was The Evil Queen's daughter and literally was abused and neglected for pretty much her whole life.

They grew up with barely anything and had to fight to survive yet Evie was afraid of some prissy Auradon brats. "Yeah you're right! What was I thinking! I'm a VK! Who cares what they say I'm going to see my babies!" Evie exclaimed, making Uma smile as she could see she got through to her.

"Yeah you are! Let's go!" Uma told Evie who nodded as they both left the dorm and headed to the car. "Okay no I can't do this. We should just go back," Evie nervously told Uma once they arrived at the hospital as just looking at the building was making her anxious.

"Evie we can't turn back now. The school won't care if you miss one day," Uma told Evie as she thought Evie was still talking about ditching school, but the truth was Evie was scared to go in and see them.

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