Finding Mal's Color

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     "Ugh I can not believe you are making me do this," Uma groaned out as they reached the baby store and just looking at it was making Uma cringe as she couldn't believe her friend was really going to make her go into a baby store.

"I told you it'll be fun besides I can use some help. And this is an important and life changing moment for me. I want my best friend to experience it with me," Evie told Uma, making Uma groan as she knew what Evie was doing.

"Oh come on why do you always have to do this. Okay fine let's just get this over with," Uma told Evie, making her smile as she quickly dragged Uma into the store with her. "Yay! Okay great come on! Okay so according to all of my research I have been doing this is everything that we need," Evie told Uma excitedly as she handed Uma a list of baby supplies.

Uma just looked at the list in shock as she looked back at her friend. "Bottles, Baby Monitor, Formula, Pump, Pacifiers, Diapers, Wipes, Wash Cloth, Blankets, Bibs, Baby Wash, Baby Shampoo, Bassinet, Crib, Car Seat, Stroller, High Chair, Playpen, Baby Mat, Rocker, Baby Toys, Baby Bath, Changing Station. Dude this stuff is expensive!" Uma rambled off as she read through the list.

She couldn't believe Evie was planning to get all that stuff. They were both 16 years old and still in high school. How did Evie plan to pay for all of that stuff. Evie just sighed as she knew Uma was right, but that's all the stuff she was told she would need and Evie wanted ti be a good mom.

"I know but my daughter needs them! And besides I have a lot of money from my business that I started remember!" Evie quickly told Uma trying to convince Uma to go along with her plan instead of judging her the whole time.

Uma just sighed as she knew that they both were right and this would just be an endless cycle if they kept it going and Uma didn't feel like dealing with that especially when Evie was already unpredictable right now due to her mood swings and hormones.

"Okay so what color scheme are you getting!" Uma asked Evie trying to change the subject as she started looking through all the aisles in disgust at all the pink and girlie stuff. Evie just looked at her friend in confusion as she had no clue what Uma was trying to say.

"What do you mean?" Evie asked Uma in confusion making Uma roll her eyes as she pointed to her outfit and then Evie's. "You know like we all have our own color! Mine is turquoise, yours is blue, Carlos has red, white, and black..." Uma told Evie in an obvious tone as she didn't get how Evie couldn't understand what she was talking about when it was obvious.

Evie just looked at Uma in shock as she didn't believe in forcing her child into something especially after that was how she was forced to grow up and she would do that to her own child.

"Okay I get it, but I am not going to force a color on my baby! She will decide when she wants to!" Evie told Uma who just rolled her eyes as she found Evie ridiculous sometimes, but she wasn't going to argue it was Evie's baby not hers.

"Okay whatever! Okay why are we buying clothes if you make clothes," Uma told Evie as she just wanted to go home and she didn't get why they were wasting time buying baby clothes when sewing was literally Evie's job.

"Because look at how cute this is! Oh and this one! Ooh and this! Oh my gosh! I'm in love!" Evie squealed out excitedly as she couldn't help it. The baby girl clothes were just way too adorable for her to resist.

 The baby girl clothes were just way too adorable for her to resist

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