Is The Baby Okay?

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   "I'm so scared what if something happened to her. Uma I can't lose my baby," Evie rambled out the whole way to the doctors and while they were sitting in the waiting room for Evie's appointment as she was freaking out. She had tried again to try and get her baby to move again, but she was yet again left with disappointment.

Uma just sighed as she was worried too, but she didn't want to freak Evie out more and she knew Evie was worried, but all the questions and worrying was annoying her and just making the situation worse.

"Princess stressing out isn't going to help the situation. I'm sure she's fine," Uma told Evie trying to calm down her panicking friend who just slowly nodded as she calmed down a little, but she was still silently panicking.

"Evie Queen," the nurse called out, causing Evie to take a deep breath as she got up and followed the nurse and Uma followed after as Evie had wanted Uma with her this time for support.

"And everything seems healthy the doctor will be in shortly just to make sure though," the nurse told Evie who nodded as she fidgeted in her seat as she was so scared about her baby.

"See princess I'm sure there is nothing to be worried about you're healthy and stuff, so I'm sure that little princess is too," Uma told Evie trying to lighten the mood and ease Evie's fears, but Evie was still not comfortable as she wanted an ultrasound confirmation first.

Evie wanted to see for herself that her baby was okay. "Yeah I guess, but I still want confirmation and proof before I can relax," Evie told Uma who nodded as she agreed with Evie.

Just as Uma was going to say something else the door opened as the doctor came in. "Ah If it isn't The Queen herself," the doctor jokingly told Evie, making her laugh as she couldn't help it.

Her doctor always seemed to know what to do to calm down her nerves and make her feel safe and comfortable.

"That's me," Evie jokingly told her doctor back who laughed a little as she looked at the doctor making her smile as she sat down and looked at her chart. "So what brings you here today, your next appointment isn't for another week," the doctor told Evie who just sighed as she looked at her doctor getting serious again.

"I'm worried about my baby. I can't get her to move anymore and I'm worried about whether something happened to her or not. I read that babies should be moving around otherwise there could be a problem. I tried everything, but she won't move so I'm desperate at this point," Evie rambled out to her doctor who nodded in understanding.

"I see well then let's take a look," the doctor told Evie who nodded as she lifted up her shirt and winced as she felt the cold gel again. Uma just laughed a little as she looked at her friend as she couldn't help herself.

"Why ya wincing princess. Are you really afraid of some gel," Uma playfully asked her friend, making Evie roll her eyes as she wasn't in the mood to be playing around with Uma. "Ugh Uma will you stop! I'm not here to play around," Evie told Uma who just laughed again as she sat back down in her seat.

Once Evie was sure Uma was done playing around she looked at her doctor again who was getting ready to put the wand on Evie's stomach. "So is my baby okay or not," Evie nervously asked the doctor who smiled as she moved the wand around and the baby immediately started moving around.

In fact she was very active as she was wiggling around and twirling."Well I would say you definitely have a very healthy and active baby girl in there," the doctor told Evie with a smile as she pointed to the screen of the active baby making both Evie and Uma smile and sigh in relief as the baby was okay.

The doctor started laughing though as she watched the baby that stopped twirling around as she sensed people watching her. The small baby now had her thumb in her mouth as she waved at them with her other hand.

"Oh well look who wants to say hi," the doctor playfully told Evie who looked at the screen as she started laughing as well. "See princess I told you she was fine," Uma told Evie, making Evie laugh as she continued to just watch her baby play around and wave in the womb as it was such a relieving feeling to see that her baby was healthy and okay.

"Yeah you're right, but then how come she wasn't moving around before," Evie asked the doctor as she was confused. The doctor just smiled as she pointed to the baby as she had seen this happen before with plenty of other babies. They loved playing tricks on their parents.

"I would say you probably have a little trickster in there, but I can assure you that she is definitely healthy and active now," the doctor told Evie as she wiped off the gel.

"Okay great well thank you so much," Evie told the doctor as she said goodbye and then they left. "I can't believe you did that Mal. You scared me," Evie told her baby who just kicked a little as if to say I got you.

Evie just rolled her eyes playfully while Uma was just smirking as she was proud of her niece. She wasn't even born yet and she was already causing trouble like her amazing and super cool aunt.

"Oh come on Evie lighten up she got us! I'm so proud! I can't wait till she's older. She's gonna be the best little partner in crime," Uma told Evie, making her groan as she didn't want her baby to be a troublemaker.

"Okay I'll admit she definitely got me, but I don't want my baby to be a troublemaker," Evie told Uma who just pulled Evie close to her once they got back to the dorm. "Don't worry princess she's got you as a mom. She won't be that much of a trouble maker," Uma told Evie making her feel better as she smiled a little.

"Yeah you're right thanks again Uma. I seriously don't know what I would do without you," Evie told Uma who smiled as she hugged Evie before releasing her as she held up the tv remote.

"Yeah I know I am the best person ever. Well now that everything is okay again and we know that little strawberry lover is okay, how about some TV," Uma told Evie, making her laugh as she got comfortable on her bed with some strawberries as she could finally relax again.

"Pretty Little Liars," Evie asked Uma, making her roll her eyes and laugh playfully as that was all Evie wanted to watch. "You are obsessed with that show," Uma told Evie who laughed as she gave Uma puppy dog eyes.

"Please!" Evie told Uma making her laugh as she couldn't say no to Evie when she did that plus she loved seeing her friend happy especially after everything that she's been through.

"Alright fine," Uma told Evie, making her excited. "Yay! Take notes Mal that's how you win," Evie told her baby who kicked a little as if agreeing with Evie making Evie smile again as she got comfortable on her bed finally being able to just relax and watch her favorite show now knowing that her baby was safe. 

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