Finding A Heartbeat

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The doctor just looked at Evie as she didn't want to freak her out, but they needed to see if they could find a heartbeat or not. "Hey shh it's okay sweetheart. I promise this isn't going to hurt. It's going to feel a little uncomfortable, but it's not going to hurt. Now I need you to change into this gown and take everything from the waist down off and you are going to need to empty your bladder out," the doctor told Evie, making her keep crying as she didn't want that.

"I don't want this! I want Uma!" Evie screamed out hysterically making the doctor nod as she went and got Uma who ran over to her. "Evie hey what's going on," Uma called out making Evie sob as she hugged onto Uma.

"They're gonna touch me!" Evie screamed out hysterically, making the doctor sigh as she looked at Uma. "We have to perform an inner exam as we are unable to detect a heartbeat on the abdominal ultrasound. We want to be sure that the baby is healthy as it's small," the doctor told Uma who nodded as she looked at Evie.

"Hey princess it's okay. They're not gonna touch you. I promise and I'm gonna be here with you the whole time," Uma told Evie who was still crying, but started to calm down a little bit as she did what the doctor said.

"Okay now this isn't going to hurt, but you may feel uncomfortable," the doctor told Evie, making her sob as Uma held her. Evie wanted to scream when she felt the wand go in as she started to get flashbacks, but she stopped when she heard the sound as she started crying tears of joy.

"What is that," Evie asked, wanting to be sure she was hearing what she thought she was hearing. The doctor just smiled as she looked at Evie who was no longer freaking out as she was just happy to be seeing and hearing her baby.

"That would be your baby's heartbeat!" The doctor told Evie, making her laugh as she looked at Uma who had tears of joy coming down her face as well. "That's its heartbeat! That really is it's heartbeat! My baby is alive! It's going to be okay!" Evie cried out happily and in relief making the doctor smile.

"Yeah it is," the doctor told Evie excitedly making Evie laugh again as she didn't realize how magical it felt to hear her baby's heartbeat for the first time especially after the fear of not finding it.

"Wow!" Evie screamed out excitedly making the doctor smile. "You're amazed huh!" The doctor told Evie who laughed. "Yeah! I never realized how magical that sound could be!" Evie told the doctor as she kept looking at the screen and watching her baby.

The doctor just smiled as she removed the wand and Evie changed back into her clothes while Uma left again as Evie was feeling comfortable again and didn't want Uma with her anymore as she wanted privacy again.

"It really is a magical sound huh. Well anyway everything seems to be going well so far. I am a little worried about the size as it's a little small for how far along you are. That is also the reason that it was so hard to determine the heartbeat, but I'm sure it's fine. Sometimes babies are just smaller than others and its heartbeat is a little slow, but again it's probably nothing to worry about," the doctor told Evie who just nodded as she looked at the doctor.

"Wait what!" Evie screamed out in concern again, but the doctor just smiled again as she looked at Evie. "Don't worry I'm sure it's gonna be fine. It could just be your younger age. Your baby is pretty healthy though considering that," the doctor told Evie who just nodded in understanding.

"Wait, you mentioned my age! Am I high risk!" Evie asked the doctor starting to get the worried feeling again. The doctor just sighed as she looked at Evie. "Well unfortunately anyone under the age of 17 is considered high risk. It's harder for younger teens to go through a pregnancy. I wouldn't be worried though your baby is pretty healthy right now," the doctor told Evie who just nodded trying to process it all.

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