Wait... What!?!?!?!?

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*One month later...*

Lucy's P.O.V

It's been one month and I think I'm finally really starting to fit in again. I've regained all of my memories before fairy tail. I'm starting to, once in a while, get images of memories I had from Fairy tail. The other day I was sitting on my couch when I had an image of Natsu climbing through my window. Weird..

Well, today I'm going on the third job since loosing my memories. Today we have to guard a precious gem while it's being moved to a museum in Bayhollow, which is about a five hour wagon ride from where the gem is right now. We also have to stay a night at the museum to make sure its extar safe. We leave in about an hour so I'm packing for over night.

I'm just about done so I leave my apartment,  suite case in hand, and head to the train station. The gem is in Aldbarrow as of now which is an hour away from our current town of Magnolia.

(Authors note: To explain, if your confused, they have to take a train from Magnolia to Aldbarrow which is one hour. Then they guard the gem for five hours while heading to Bayhollow. Then they stay the night and head home for a six hour train ride home.)

I made it to the familliar train station where Natsu was patiently waiting for me.

"Yo Luce!" Natsu greeted me.

"Hey Natsu!" I greeted back with a smile." You ready to go?"

I was answered by his face turning bright green." Come on Natsu we have to go."


I found out quickly that Natsu has a MAJOR motion sickness problem. It kinda weird even touching a vehicle, even when it's not moving,  he will get nauseous. This causes some transportation issues.

I began trying to pull him but he planted his feet into the ground and he wouldn't move. Suddenly I remembered somthing


"Come on Natsu! Get on the train! We're gonna be late" I yelled trying to shove him on the train.

"Nooooooooooooooo!" Natsu yelled trying to shake me off.

We have been doing this for the past 5 minutes. My arms were starting to get tired.

"Fine we don't have to get on" l suggested calmly.

"Really? " he asked. He actually thinks I'm serious.Then he stopped struggling and I pushed him into the train.

"That.blaaahhh. is a dirty move.blaaahhh. "

He said turning green.

"Well we need to go. Sorry Natsu" I said apologetically.

*flashback ends*

(Authors note: ps that's from the first book and the chapter named 'The Job')

I decided to see if the trick would work again." Fine we don't have to get on."

He stopped for a moment, realizing that I remembered that day. I took this opertunity of shock to push him into the train.

To play along we me he responded, "That.blaaahhh. is a dirty move.blaaahhh. "

I laughed as I guided him to a seat. He hung half himself out the window. The usual.

I was staring out the window waiting for the train to start when Happy arived.

"Hey Happy, I thought you said you couldn't come with us on the job?" I asked as he sat next to Natsu.

"Yeah well Carla had to cancel that job.  Wendy got sick." Happy explained.

"Oh I hope she gets better." I said then began to look back out the window.

Suddenly, for the second time today, I had some of my memories return. And this was weird...

The image was of Natsu looking really hot while I hold onto his arm all lovey dovey. And natsu was smiling.(Pic of Natsu and lucy at the beginning of the story)

I stopped for a second.



so I'll leave it there...

Well again I'm sorry I haven't updated last month was terrible. I got sick and then got better for a day and then getting sick again. This happened at least 3 time before the end of the month. Then I had school mid terms and uggggggg I won't bother you with that.

Well here's the thing I mostly wanted to mention. I am so happy to say that after not checking wattpad in almost a month, I have 9.64k on my darkness that changed me book.  Omg I couldn't have done it with out you of course.  I just remember think when I started this book " Oh man this is probably going to suck. I'll be happy if I get 100 views." So thanks again.

Well I'll write again soon.

P.s. for anyone who's read/watched ghost hunt I'm thinking about starting a fan fic for that so tell me what you think.



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