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Lucy's P.O.V

Shoot! We were so close!

"Well what do we have here?" He asked. I stayed looking forward as he stood behind me. Everyone remained quiet.

"I see. No one will answer. Lucky for you I know what's going on." I heard hi foot steps coming closer. They were a little ways away when I turned around and faced him." Now miss Heartfillia,  why are you out of your cell? I'll have to punish you for this later."

I trembled in fear. Why can't it end. Why can't he just kill me at this point! I was about to start crying when a voice rang out like a bell.

"Over my dead body!" Natsu came running over. He tried to punch Zeref but Zeref dodged it and punched him back sending him flying to the other side of the hall way.

"Now I have a game for you." Zeref said with a smile. In a flash he had his hand around my upper arm. I struggled to break free." You will have to go through a series of challenges.  If you make it to the center of my castle I'll give the dear Lucy Heartfilia back to you. But if you don't hurry she might not be the same person you knew. You ready to go Lucy?" This scared me so I thrashed harder.

"Help guys! I don't want to go with him!" Erza required and charged towards us but in a blink of an eye we were in the white room.

"What are you going to do to me now?!" I yelled looking him in the eye." Haven't I been through enough! Please let me go home."

"Don't worry lucy" he said letting go of my arm and began pacing. He smilled his usual wicked smile." You're going to go home."

I remained quiet confused by his statment." Why would you just let me go?"

"You'll see lucy. But for now I have work to do." And with that I was alone. I checked all the doors. They are locked.

Then a voice filled the castle and it said...

Natsu's P.O.V

"Hello again fairy tail." Zeref's voice said echoing through the castle." Here is how the challenge works. There are five obstacles you must go through in order to find your beloved lucy. The rules are simple 1) don't skip challenges 2) be as quick as possible and 3) try not to get blood all over it makes a terrible mess. Well challenge #1 will be right down the hall. Good luck! Not really. Bye!" And with that his voice left.

"Okay guys let's go" I said plowing a head. I stopped in front of the door.

"Ready?" Erza asked.

"Let's go!"

And we opened the door...


Ohhhhhhhhhh what's going on with Zeref! Well keep reading to find out what he's planning.

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