Final show down

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Lucy's POV

It's morning and we're ready( as ready as possible). We all waited behind the guild where Natsu and I were last night. a slight blush formed on my cheeks as I recalled the memories. but now was not the time to think of that , now was the time to fight.

Just as I thought that a figure appeared in the distance.

So we begin.


Lucy's POV

I look to my right and then to my left at all of my beloved guild mates. They all had the same look of anticipation and anxiousness that I felt inside.

I look forward and lock eye's with the person who had made me believe my friends had betrayed me, the person who had tormented me. He smirks. I glare back.

Then with a sudden burst, it begins. Magic is flying everywhere. Everyone is attacking Zeref with everything they've got. I run straight forward while pulling out Loki's key.

I stop to summon him." Open, gate of the lion! LOKI!"

Loki appeared beside me and grinned. He ran towards Zeref as I summoned another spirit.

"Open, gate of the maiden! Virgo!"

"What would you like me to do princess?" Virgo asked.

"Help us defeat Zeref!" Now that I say the words out loud, I feel a wave of nausea build in my stomach.

"I'll do my best!" She said saluting me. I sighed, internally laughing at her for saluting me. I don't know what I would do with out my Celestial spirits.

We both ran forward, me pulling out my whip.

When we got closer I realized Natsu was right in the front facing Zeref head on. How am I not suprised?

Suddenly, Zeref began to chant something in a different language. The ground began to erupt as he finished his chant. Everyone stopped.

Suddenly, a scream erupted from somewhere in the crowd. It was Levy!

"Something has my foot!" She yelled out in pain and fear. That's when I noticed a skeleton hand rapped around Levy's foot. Gajeel began trying to rip it from her foot, and that's when all hell broke loose.

Thousands of skeletons burst from the ground.

I just barely dodged one as it exploded from where I was standing.

So now not only do we have Zeref to deal with but a lot of skeletons. Just great.

Natsu's P.O.V

We charged full fource at Zeref, with everything we had. I ran state to the front over come with rage.

"How dare you hurt my friends!" I yelled punching zeref in the face. This didn't faze him of course. He just smirked.

This made me even angrier as I try to land attacks on him. He doges with ease.

A couple minutes pass and I still haven't been able to land a direct hit. Suddenly he starts to laugh. "Are you done warming up?" He asks grinning. He begins chanting something in this unknown language and soon I hear a scream. Skeletons pop out of the ground two grabbing my legs, one on each. I try to move my legs but the skeletons are holding on to tightly.

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