#2: Quiz Me!

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Natsu's P.O.V

Right after Gray was sent away, a door in the wall opened. I ran to Lucy quickly so I could talk to her for just one second.

"Natsu!" She yelled looking at me.

(Authors note: lol I feel like I put in a lot of Lucy yelling Natsu's name... That is all...)

"Lucy! Are you okay?" I asked getting close to her and pulling her in for an embrace.

"I'm alright. " she said sounding happy. I smiled." Please win those competitions."

"I will don't worry" I said. Then my arms were gripping just air. She's gone...

"Okay team!" Erza said making us firm a huddle." There are four of us left. There should be five but gray is an idiot."

Gray's P.O.V

"Achoo!" I started to sneeze alot. I wonder why...

Erza's P.O.V

" Okay the other door is right over there. Are we ready to go?" I asked looking around. That's when Natsu raised his hand." Yes Natsu?"

"I have to pee-"

"You can hold it!" I yelled angrily.

"Okay..." he wispered.

I decided to ignore the moron and walk to the door. I opened it.

"Hello there folks- kabo!  Welcome to the spectacular,  extraordinary, fascinating!  Drum please! Lucy Quiz- kabo!!!!!!" An announcer voice yelled. I looked around. The whole room was set up like a game show. There were buzzers and lights and standing in the very middle was the announcer from the grand magic games. Next to the buzzers were name tags labeled Erza,  Natsu,  Summer, and Kyo.

"Please come sit by your name tag- kabo!" The announcer announced.

We all walked over and stood quietly.

"What are we doing?" Summer asked after a moment.

"This is a quiz about lucy- kabo!" The announcer stated." There are 10 questions who ever gets the least amount of points will get transported out just like gray- kabo. Are we ready to begin?" We all shook our heads yes." Great let's start- kabo! Question 1 who are lucys parents?"

There were four buttons and each one had a different answer. The answers were:

A) lacy and Jude heartfilia

B) Layla and Jerry heartfilia

C) Layla and Jude heartfilia

D) Lacy and Jerry heartfilia

Of course I know the answer it's C. So I clicked the C button and hear a ding. I was correct. This seems simple.

"Crap!" Kyo yelled." We don't know this stuff! We've only know her for a few months." Everyone got the questions right except for Kyo.

"Just try your best." I said waiting for the next question.

"When is Lucy's birthday- kabo?"

A) July 1, X767

B) August 5, X767

C) July 17, X767

D) February 10, X765

The answer is A because I remember getting her a new outfit for her birthday. Ding! I'm correct. It seems everyone got that question correct which suprised me.

Summer must have noticed my suprised look because she answered saddly," She told us about the time she was under Zeref's evil spell and said that for her birthday all she wanted was revenge. It sickened her."

Natsu and I frowned in response.

"Time for question 3- kabo! What is Lucy's blood type?"

A) O-

B) A+


D) B

How are we suppose to know this! I'm going to guess... D. Crap the bell signaled a different sound telling me I'm wrong. Nobody got that question right.

"Who were lucys first 3, golden gate key, celestial spirits- kabo?"

A) Aquarius, Sagittarius, Torus

B) Aquarius, Torus, Cancer

C) Cancer, Torus, Virgo

D) Virgo, Aquarius, Leo

It B. Ding! Natsu and I got that correct.

"How old was lucy when she joined the guild?"

A) 16

B) 17

C) 18

D) 19

B. Ding! Summer, Natsu and I got that correct.

~Time skip~

We were down to the last question. I had a score of 8, Natsu had a score of 8 which suprised me, Summer had a score of 6, and Kyo had a score of 5.

"Last question. Who is Lucy in love with- kabo?"

A). Leo

B) Gray

C) Natsu

D) Laxus

Well that answer is simple. Ding! Everyone got it right except for Natsu.

"Who is it?" He asked. We all just smiled. He's so dense.

"Well I guess I lost... bye see you when you get out." Kyo said right before disappearing.

"Onto the next challenge" Natsu said walking away.

Lucy's P.O.V

Yeah Mina! Your doing great! Keep it up!

"Lucy... are you ready for the challenges twist?" Zeref's asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

All he did was smile.


Hey sorry for not updating. Okay so  thinking about writing a Fairy tail Christmas Story. I might not but if I do I'll tell you because it would be it's own book.

Well I'll try to write for you soon.

Comment if you like the Christmas Story idea.



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