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"Okay. So when is he going to attack?" Natsu asked.

"In three days."

"What!?" I yelled. That's not that much time!

She nodded her head slowly.

"Well we all better go inform the guild. You too Mikasa." Natsu said standing.

"W-why me?" She asked clearly scared\suprised.

"Because you too the risk to come here and we appreciate it. I know the guild will too." Natsu said, which means a lot know he despises her the most.

"Okay." She said sounding a little better.

"Let's go!"

Natsu's P.O.V

It's been two days since we heard the news and the guild took it hard...

We all finally though that the war was over... That we could be back to the same guild we were so long ago, before Mikasa, Jeremy/Zeref, prisons, lost memories, dark magic, ect...

But I can't worry about this now, we have to finish this battle because we are fairy tail and fairy tail always wins no matter what. Even in our darkest times we seem to prevail!

Right now the guild is preparing for tomorrow, waiting to finally end it all. And I have one more thing to do before I'm finally ready.

I walk over to Lucy who is sitting down at the bar staring down at a half full glass of water.

"Hey luce...." I started looking down at my feet.

"Hey Natsu." she said looking at me with a slight smile. I understand that look. I don't feel like the happiest person either.

"Can I talk to you outside?" I ask hoping for a yes.

"Sure." she stood up and began to follow me out of the guild.

We walked outside and around to the back of the guild by some trees.

"So..." Lucy started after a minute of silence.

I gathered my thoughts quickly."Ummm... since we have to fight tomorrow, and even though I know we are gonna make it through this battle, I need to get this off my chest." I took a deep breath" here we go... I like you Lucy, and I know this is just going to add more stress but I need you to know..." I looked down and closed my eyes. I couldn't stand to see the disapproval that was going to be on her face.

A few seconds passed so I looked up slowly. She had a shocked look on her face. Finally she spoke.

"Natsu I'm surprised ..." I looked down knowing she was going to reject me." I thought I was the one who had a crush on you. I didn't know our feelings were mutual ." now it was my turn to be surprised." it's funny, if you would have asked me this a few weeks ago, I wouldn't know how to think. But after the last job request we went on, and for reasons I don't want to retell, I realized, I love you Natsu, and I want to be with you." She smiled the most beautiful smile in the world.

I hugged he swiftly holding her close to me." Natsu, your hugging to hard." she said sounding like she's being crushed. I let go and and looked at her.

"I'm glad you feel the same." I said turning to look behind us. The sun was setting behind us and for some reason it look more beautiful.

Lucy's P.O.V

It's morning and we're ready( as ready as possible). We all waited behind the guild where Natsu and I were last night. a slight blush formed on my cheeks as I recalled the memories. but now was not the time to think of that , now was the time to fight.

Just as I thought that a figure appeared in the distance.

So we begin.


Hey well this is one of the last chapters. maybe two more.

Well I'll update soon.



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